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salvete is offline
Old 05-09-2016, 04:11 PM

Originally Posted by Mr. Wrong View Post
Velvet, your poem to Chance has to be the sweetest and certainly the most accurate poem ever posted on Menewsha. To show my appreciation, I am going to give you some pointers in dealing with this loathsome worm we call Chance.

1. I never go for the gusto and attempt to win all five rounds. Instead I try to win two rounds and hold my horses there and collect my winnings.

2. If I lose on an opening round to a two, then I collect my winnings after only one round in the next session. This, of course, after several vile threats are uttered by me to Chance. Always keep in my that while threats and curses may serve you well, nothing cuts more deeply than sarcasm.

"I'm sorry, Chance. I keep forgetting that an ace IS 76% more likely to come up when facing a deuce than any other card in the deck. Thank you for that little lesson in mathematics once again."

There it is. I hope my pointers have been helpful. Have a great day.
very helpful pointers