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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-10-2016, 02:09 AM

"Live a day?" Josiah echoed, his voice sounding hollow with his shock. The idea never occurred to him. The idea that he could live. Not really live, but for a day a least. All the bitterness and the sorrow inside him, the parts that kept silent and trodden on because that was the only way he could live--could he really let that all free now? Seeing Finn's nerves, he felt his own heart stammer in his chest, growing anxious. He shouldn't open up. He shouldn't give his last hours a chance to turn rotten.

How can they possibly get worse than everything up until now? Shocked by the thought, he met Finn's eye with a look far stronger than he felt. "Okay." He said the word even before he realized he agreed. But maybe now was the best chance he'd ever have to live like that. Maybe he could even let himself be happy for once in his life without worry for the disaster that would come next.

Feeling it was only appropriate, he offered his hand part in greeting and part to seal their deal. "Until midnight, I'll spend the day with you. We'll be like midnight moths spinning around a flame, until it's over." Poetic. He could be like that? How strange to realize he could manipulate words like that only now. "So Finn, what do you want to do with your last day?"