Thread: Forbidden Love
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Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 05-10-2016, 02:18 AM

Roland wasn't sure he heard correctly. "A place?" A new place to meet? It would be nice to not have to meet in the woods, for he still felt there were too exposed out here. "It would be nice to not to have to share our visits with the birds and bugs..." He joked, wanting to lighten the moment. Lately they had been so serious together, with the issues arising from his parents continued fight against the mutants and the tension from the mutants Alexi lived with, it often ate into their private time. "Can we see it? Today?" He whispered, pressing light kisses along Alexi's jawbone, all the while taking a deep breath, enjoying the scent he missed greatly.