Thread: Forbidden Love
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Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 05-11-2016, 10:50 AM

Roland sighed, leaning into Alexi, shivering at the display of power. He knew that he would say that, want to go with him, he was glad for it, but it made things more difficult. "If I go alone and get caught, there isn't much they can do... but if you get caught..." He trailed off, not even knowing what would happen if his parents found a mutant sneaking into their home. Of course Roland could turn off the security system, he knew how to avoid the cameras, but as soon as he entered the house his father would know, and might just come home to confront him for missing the auction and being gone all day without notice.

"We should go now, if we want to get there and have time before my parents return..." As much as he wanted to stay, to hide themselves away, this may be the last chance they will have to leave the forest, to gather supplies for their new life. Extracting himself from Alexi, he finished dressing himself, pulling on the shirt he had left discarded earlier, and tugging on his shoes which had been cast aside in haste earlier. He knew Alexi would be close behind so he left the cabin, walking out into the darkness. Clouds had moved in, helping to obscure the moon. "I'm not sure I know the way back to the city..."