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lunanuova is offline
Old 05-22-2016, 05:16 PM

Will shot up hearing May trying to stand "No, no.." he said "don't" his arms outreached motioning for her to stay. "We need to get this leg sorted" he said wiping away sweat from his forehead. "Just lay down and I'll see what I can do" he instructed, turning to the crate and pulling out various medical supplies. Will was amazed that they were able to salvage the things that were so precious to them now. He remembered urging Dr. Rider to pack more medical supplies, despite the doctors reluctance to take more time over getting hold of what Will thought would be crucial in any accident on the island.

Meanwhile, Dr. Rider searched endlessly around the wreckage, moving further and further away. His mind felt delirious with dehydration and the high humidity. Multiple times he forgot what exactly he was looking for, his memory not quite what it used to be, but right now the drowsiness threatening to take him out. The only thing he could hold onto was the prospect of fulfilling his idea. To him, survival came second. He needed to prove of the birds existence if he were to make this disaster worthwhile. He looked out across the horizon of the ocean, shaking his head as if to shake away the possibility that his gadgets were long gone beneath the surface of the blue. His hands shook as he pulled and pushed away pieces of debris from the boat, straining against each wave.

"Hold still" Will took out saline solution and carefully pulled away the tangled mess of the boy's shirts, now dry with blood, away from May's leg before cleaning the laceration. It was long and open, the skin ripped and muscles showing. He took out a syringe and needle, looking up at May "I'm going to have to stitch this" knowing that it wouldn't be easy and that May would not be enthusiastic about the pain. "The anaesthetic should help" he said reassuringly as he took the needle and injected the area. He rummaged through the box that he had opened, checking that he had everything he needed.

Whilst he waited for the anaesthetic to do it's job, he remembered the water only a few metres away "We should have some water" he said, feeling slightly dizzy as he moved to retrieve it. He took two bottles and passed one to May, swigging from his own, his throat rejoicing. The thirst begged him for more as he gulped it down, even knowing that they only had a limited suply, it was too hard to refrain from gulping down the fresh water.

Will washed the wound again with saline before taking out the needle to stitch the wound. "Okay" he said with an exhale, as if to prepare them both. He had done many stitches, but from what he could remember, this was the largest laceration he had been responsible for stitching. Will pinched the skin together at the top of the wound as he started the stitch.