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Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-01-2016, 07:31 PM

Dragumand watched Lielieja go as she seem to disappear into thin air. Though his eyes could no longer see her, he could still sense the force emanating from her as she snuck her way towards the unsuspecting fighters. Taking his own cue, Dragumand moved into optimal striking distance to use his force leap ability and waited, gathering his force energy for the jump. It wasn't long before Lielieja was in position. He closed his eyes, waiting, palms itching in anticipation of the moment the canister would flare into a ball of explosive fire.

Dragumand felt Lielieja commit to the strike, his eyes snapping open as he unleashed his force jump and sailed though the air pulling his light saber mid somersault. A large hunk of rubble when whizzing by underneath him just before he landed on an unsuspecting fighter. His surprised was short lived before Dragumand put an end to his pirating days. Whiling to the next opponent, he unleashed a series of quick upwards slashes, separating the pirate from his blaster and sending him stumbling backwards to fall in a heap. Using his force push, Dragumand finished off the last opponet then turned to see Lielieja fighting with a small group of pirates equipped with vibroblads. Running towards them, Dragumand used his taunt power to pull the attention of the the fighters too him, forcing them all to show their backs to Lielieja. "Lielieja! Do your thing!" He called to his partner, then parried the attacks of the pirates.