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Love Moose
Love Moose is offline
Old 06-03-2016, 09:25 PM

As night fell, Daryl and Violet tried to settle in for the night. They made a small fire in the middle of the barn floor, very careful to control said fire so they wouldn't burn down the barn. They set up sleeping bags and opened a can of Ravioli to cook over their fire pit. It wasn't the most wholesome thing to eat for supper, but they were just thankful to have something to eat at all. It was quiet between them, neither of them really knowing what to say to the other. Violet finally broke the silence.

"So.." She began. "What were you planning to do after school?"

Daryl thought for a moment before answering the question. "Dunno...Just figured anything was better than working at Burger King forever. What about you?"

Violet pursed her lips. "I wanted to open my own gift shop. Somewhere to buy cute trinkets."

Daryl snickered at Violet's answer. "Why not just open the place before going to school? Why would you want to waste time on a four year business degree?"

"Hey! I wanted to know what i was doing before I got in over my head! Besides. You're one to talk. You didn't even know what you wanted to do with your degree." She defended.

"Fair enough." The young man responded, shrugging.

Just as the food was finally warm enough to eat, a knock sounded on the heavy, wooden barn door.

"Anyone in there?" A man's voice called, making the two jump in surprise. It wasn't often they heard human voices anymore. Daryl pulled a pistol from the waist of his rugged jeans, preparing to defend the two of them if the need arose.

"Who is it an' what do ya want?" He barked, refusing to open the door even a sliver. Violet got up from being seated on her sleeping bag. "Daryl! What if they need help!" She insisted, being overly trusting by nature. She opened the door a crack and peaked out at the armed men.

"Hello." She greeted the men. "I'm Violet. Are you ok?"

Daryl's eyes narrowed. He didn't know these strangers. What if they were infected? Or thieves? Regardless of his doubts though, Violet made it very clear that they were welcome to stay if they needed to. Daryl knew arguing would be futile, so he remained silent, simply listening to see what these men might want.