Thread: Pokemon TCG
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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-05-2016, 03:17 AM

Originally Posted by Shadami View Post
*pets the card* I miss you.
Mine got stolen. I had 2 t.t

---------- Post added 06-04-2016 at 10:55 PM ----------

okay... what cards are legal? can you still play the orginals? cause i've been planning to toss my old duplicates up on ebay. we're kind of desperate right now for cash and ebay is my only way to make any money right now cause i can't work cause my 2 year old is in this super high maintenence stage cause she has lost all confidence in herself for some reason and I think its because of her father being out of our lives right now while we house hunt *waves hands* doesn't matter not important.

But I do want to know what the pokemon TCG market is like right now cause i haven't looked yet.

---------- Post added 06-04-2016 at 10:57 PM ----------

Oh my goodness! Look at this gorgeous collection!!!

you guys i can't share my collection. i've got like 8 binders. and I don't even have recent gen. I'm miserablly lacking on all but first gen. I want them all dern it!\xD
I had two as well but I gave one away. >.<

I'm really not sure what cards are legal but I would think they all are? Try checking out ebay though because the market for pokemon cards on there does seem pretty booming!

I got to try out my new deck tonight which was a lot of fun! I got to play with my Togekiss!