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Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 06-13-2016, 11:53 AM

"It's a little late for all that!" Rose snapped and scooted away from him, looking at him with the angriest face she could make. The effect was ruined by her red, puffy eyes and the tears that still streamed down her face. "You've murdered my men, drown an innocent cat, and of all the stupid things, sunk an entire chest of valuable jewels to the bottom of the ocean!" Now she couldn't stop herself, she was upset, she was angry, and she was going to let him know. How could he think that he hadn't been treating her poorly up until now?

"What more could possibly happen to me? It matters not at this point, as you've ruined everything. No one will believe my innocence." She turned her back to him, digging through the chest until she could reach her robe to cover herself. It wasn't like she could get most of the dresses on, and she wasn't about to do so in front of him, so this would do. What difference did it make? She wasn't leaving this room until they made port.

With a glare in his direction she dropped the blanket she held tightly around her, letting it fall to the planks beneath her feet. Ignoring how exposed she felt she tugged on the robe, the silk soft against her bare arms. With it in place she tied it closed.


Gerard grunted a reply and kept eating. After the rough night it felt good to have a meal and fill his stomach. He used more care, chewing his food and not scarfing it down, not wanting to mess up the stitches once more, that was the last thing he wanted to go through right now.

Halfway through the plate he paused and looked at Ariel. She looked tired, perhaps she was not used to sleeping on a ship. Unless she had spent the entire night tending to him, if that was the case he felt responsible for that at least. "Eat. The crew is hungry and will leave nothing but scraps." He pushed the plate towards her, leaving on the bed beside him.