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Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 06-13-2016, 07:38 PM

There was nothing she could say in reply, he didn't understand what it meant to be a princess any more than she understood what it meant to be a pirate, or captain a ship. She was glad he left, so she could attempt to compose herself once more. How she wanted to go on, to explain to him that it didn't matter one way or another if he touched her, everyone would assume a much. No matter who she met from this day forth they would remember this, knowing what happened. Would there only be pity, or disgust as well? There were no more tears to cry, instead she dried her cheeks with the sleeve of her robe and sat down on the floor in front of the chest, leaning forward against the carved wood.

She needed distractions, something, anything to keep her mind off of this. Her books, her embroidery, all of it was in another chest. Had they brought it along? There had also been fine linens and tapestries, so perhaps they had saw value in that. With a plan in mind she pulled out a dress she had yet to wear. It was a new fashion, her father had not been fond of it and refused to allow her to wear dresses in that fashion, but her mother ordered a few for her as a wedding present. Rose had never understood why her father didn't like them, they were simple and elegant. She held out the lavender coloured dress, it was made of a soft silk, a layer of chiffon gathered under the bust that draped down, sitting low on the hips, and gathered in the back.

Once again she took her place near the door, so she would be alerted before someone could burst in and see her in a state of undress. Riding herself of the robe and shift, she hurried to put on the needed undergarments before pulling the dress up. There were fewer buttons in the back and she managed to reach them after some careful stretching and maneuvering. It fit tight around the chest and flared out just under the bosom, then flowed down to the floor. She covered her bare shoulder with a silver shawl that seemed to glitter. The only thing left to do was her hair, something she wasn't sure she was completely capable of. A simple style would have to do. She spent just minutes, running a brush through the long, chestnut strands before braiding it into two long braids, one over each shoulder. It was far from a fancy style that she would wear at court, but at least it was brushed and out of the way.

She had been quick as she could and she was thankful the captain hadn't returned in that time. The door creaked when she opened it, the frame near instantly filled with the large fame of the pirate she had seen glimpses of earlier. Davey had been the name she heard. Pasting a small, innocent smile on her lips she looked up at him. "Davey?" At his nod, she continued, "The captain had been kind enough to allow me to look for a chest of my things. Perhaps I can count on you to accompany me on this task? I do not believe I could move such a large chest on my own." For a moment he didn't look like he'd believe her, but perhaps because she had asked so nicely, he relented and nodded in agreement of her plan. With a satisfied grin she waved him on, intending to follow him through the ship in search of her chest.


Gerard closed his eyes as she ate, she seemed hesitant and he didn't understand why she wouldn't take a good meal when it was offered. There were times when they ate rich, and times when it was but two watery meals a day that did little to keep them alive. Nothing could be done about it, it was the life of a pirate after all. At least they'd be making port in a week, so they would have a few weeks afterwards of decent food when they washed their hands of this mess with the princess. Even still he wondered why the captain had bothered, it was a risk to ransom her. If they got caught they'd never live to see the sea again. Would Ariel return with the princess? Perhaps he should give her a share of his treasure so she can make her own way, payment for what possibly saved his life.

"How's the princess holding up?" He figured she had gone to the captains chambers for the food, considering it was on a much nicer plate than the men use.