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Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 06-14-2016, 01:44 AM

Rose was surprised at how rough this ship was compared to the one that had been a part of her father's fleet. Not that she had wandered that one much, the guards made her keep to her room where she was safe and protected, not that it did much good for her. She had asked for directions from a few of the other men she encountered but all they did was leer at her, something she found she really didn't enjoy. Pulling the shawl tighter around her, covering up the pale skin that they all seemed to focus on, she was glad for Davey's stony silence behind her.

Eventually she found her way to the storage, where all of her chests were strewn about. Most of the things were piled on the floor, pretty dresses and silks in piles. Obviously they didn't realize how expensive the gowns were, otherwise they'd take more care. Her arms strained to lift each heavy lid, looking through five chests before she found the one she was looking for. Most of it was intact, aside from the fact it had been rifled through and her threads and books were tangled together. With a frown she shook her head and looked at Davey. "Can you please take this back to my room?"

Davey complied without a word, Rose wasn't even sure he spoke. He seemed kind enough, so who was she to complain? With ease he hefted the trunk on his shoulder and navigated the ship, Rose following close, not wanting to be left behind. At least no one had tried to bother her overly much, perhaps afraid of their captains wrath if she was harmed.

It was much quicker getting back to the cabin and with her chest now there she could at least distract herself. Soon enough Davey returned to his post outside the door. She shed her shawl, draping it across one of the chairs, then sat on the floor in front of the trunk and pulled out the mass of tangled threads. It would take hours to figure it all out, but at least it was something to do.


Gerard watched as she drank from the bottle, impressed. "Not much you can do about that, Cap had enough trouble with her, he'd likely not want you underfoot as well." That was the truth, the captain didn't care if she had a bevy of servants at home, he probably was annoyed enough sharing his quarters with her, let alone anyone else. "Soon enough she'll be on her way home." At least then they could move on.

He patted her lightly on the shoulder, not sure else how to offer comfort. Why was he bothering? She had at least helped him out, so he could try and be nice for a bit. He took the bottle from her and took a large swig, savouring the taste. "Ah, the good stuff." He grumbled, drinking more. At least it would help with the ache in his chest. "You going to hide in here with a cripple all day?" Sure, he wasn't that bad off, but considering he couldn't even leave bed, he was all but useless on the ship. As much as the princess, possibly even more.