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Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 06-27-2016, 11:03 PM

"The car's a waste, if I didn't need it to go back home to see family, and well, drive to places I want to explore that are too far away to walk, I'd probably sell it. I haven't driven it maybe but like once every couple of weeks since I moved here." He was smiling as he said this, no sadness on his face, he really did enjoy the walking, always finding someone to have a brief conversation with, making himself familiar to the townsfolk, especially since his fashion since didn't exactly fit the small town environment. Not that he cared, it made for easy conversation starters.

Barrett looked around the diner, smiling, "Oh, I've been here!" he exclaimed, excitement flooding into his voice. "I ate here like right after moving in and fell in love with their skillet apple pie." He flailed slightly as he spoke, collapsing into a booth once they'd picked a spot, "I haven't been back cuz I kept being too busy or finding other places to try, but I am so getting that pie today." His mouth was already salivating a bit, but he pulled out the menu to try and find something to order to actually eat, knowing Elias would disapprove if he just tried to eat dessert.