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Emilio is offline
Old 07-03-2016, 11:54 PM

Hey, gang! Emilio here! Your personal and ever faithful tour guide around Menewsha!

I've gotta make this quick this week, guys... my ice cream cone is melting in my hands as we speak!

Notable Threads around Town

Do you play? This highly anticipated multiplayer game is chock full of action and interesting characters! Learn more and discuss it here!

Scavanger Hunt Avatar Contest : Round until July 15th
Search out and nominate your friends in this Avatar Contest with a twist! Win points that are redeemable for art prizes!

Artist Questions: Answer and Ask
Curious about what other creatives do or perhaps you want to humble brag in essay form? Play along and follow the rules to expand your artistic mind along with your peers!

Congrats on our lucky winner this week for Admin's Pick... TheEmpressofEvil! Very appropriate outfit for the summer weather!... except you may want more sunscreen next time? OUCH! I'd be crying, too! Painfully excellent job!


I saw Nalin Sun recently buying out all of the suncreen at the corner store... Seems like he isn't much of a sun bather...

That's what's going on around town this week. Hold tight until next Sunday and I'll have a fresh batch of things to share with you!