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Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 08-14-2016, 08:23 AM

Originally Posted by StarrySkylark View Post
Funny thing, we ended up trying that. This guy just genuinely didn't care at all about the garbage. He'd just step over it and go on his way. Gah! It was so frustrating to watch him be so nonchalant about it, when I was over in my apartment tearing my hair out!
My educated guess is that the apartment manager knows this guy is crazy (because it's apartment managers who let crazy people move in) and didn't want a confrontation. This is definitely a drawback to section 8 housing. It's cheap rent. You're right on the busline. You have a short commute to work. But one day, your apartment manager lets in the local child toucher and a good situation goes bad. Eventually, after the manager lets in enough drama queens, dope dealers, parolees, gang bangers, and addicts, the manager suddenly finds him or herself in a situation where their own life is threatened and they wonder why police detectives take over two days to show up and take a statement.

Then the owner of the complex hires a property management company to run his property and he wonders why the property management company is stealing from him left and right. Yes, some folks learn slowly.

I never did, but I had this clever idea to really mess with one of my neighbors whom I could not stand because they dealt dope and abused the welfare system. My idea was to place an "L" shaped brace between the door and door jamb over their deadbolt and drill in four screws. This would prevent the door from being opened from the inside. The only way to get the door open again would require removing the screws and this brace. To really be mean you would use a spanner screw to secure the brace into the door and door jamb. Even your handiest of handymans probably won't have a spanner bit on hand to unscrew this brace and would require a trip to the hardware store.