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bluerockman is offline
Old 08-28-2016, 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by IcetheArtist View Post
Well if you're unsure but still want to talk
iCould start us off?
As for Skull girls have you seen the game play,
been to the website, or looked into the character backgrounds at all?
Without the background (has a really decent background btw)
it's just big boob crazy monster chicks slappin eachother around
Which for me is fine too xD
You can tell me what you know of the game
and then I'll tell you my thoughts on it
iWont give spoilers tho so no worries there

I'm KIND of familiar with DoA but I've never actually played it : o
Looks lyke something I'd enjoy tho
I'm picky when it comes to games ESPECIALLY when iHave to pay for them
Cuz I'm poor as all hell but I'd probably start off with DoA 5 or something and work my way around
If iStart with the first one iMight not lyke it
lyke with Blood Rayne for example
they were OKAY but iCould only really play the 2D one
it was WAAAAAY different from the other 2
Skullgirls, when I saw it, reminded me of a cross between Guilty Gear and Darkstalkers, so a nice blend of fighting games, but since I never had the consoles where I could get it, it was kinda out of my ability to play, and before I got a controller, it would've been [b]impossible[b] for me to play on the PC. At least one of those has been remedied.

One game I've come to enjoy online though, and one I try to recommend when I can, is 100% Orange Juice. It's a Mario Party-like game, only instead of mini-games, you try to evade or beat up opponents to get stars, or victory points to rise up in levels, with the first to Level 5 being the winner. You also get cards to affect your turn, act as traps, or act as combat tricks. It's very RNG, and in single player, blatantly cheats (Normal and Extreme difficulties pronouncing this further when AIs never hit low rolls). I see it hit sales on Steam pretty frequently, and the online play is pretty spot-on, save a few issues that usually are from one user having a really bad connection. Rarely is it the game's fault. Just a thought.

Also, don't mind me beating around the bush about... um... an aspect about myself. I'm sure that's easily figured out soon enough.