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Inspiration is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 09:21 PM

(oh yeah very casual ish RP. and holy heck... that 1 heal check... Poet.. poet. i'm terrified of your rolls right now. xD )

Aya glancing around before moving to help the injured man does not spot any goblins around, or even any tracks. In the distance she can hear a faint garbled noise but can not pinpoint exactly what noises they are, it could even just be the wind in the trees.

Her attempt to heal the mans wounds are no better. Accidentally snapping the shaft of the arrow from the head, leaving it lodged in the poor mans back. With Jolmah taking over the task, the man gasps in a breath, coming to long enough to gasp out an answer to the chatty females trying to save the poor dying man. With a weak and trembly voice the man struggles witht he right words, "My family are down the road..... there are so many....of them." He coughs weakly, finding it hard to keep any breath in his lungs. "Slimy, green creatures, yelping and jumping about.... It was an ambush..." He coughed again, "My family. they're still there.... I ran to get help. Please.... Help them. Your Saint is coming to take me back now. Please..."