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Old 09-07-2016, 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by Mr. Wrong View Post
There is a problem with the contributions page that leaves me unable to donate. And, due to my poor life choices, I won't be able to donate much anyhow. Sorry to disappoint you again. I suppose you'll have your lawyer have me sign the divorce decree. *sigh* It was inevitable.

---------- Post added 09-06-2016 at 10:22 PM ----------

I used to believe as you do, but it's simply a historical fact that third party candidates in this country only siphon votes from either the Republican or Democrat candidate.

A good example of this has shown up in my lifetime. In 1992, I voted for Ross Perot. This actually only helped the philandering rapist to become president. And so now we have to deal with the wife/enabler sociapathic liar running for president.

As they love to say on Fox News over and over and over and over and over again is that elections have consequences.

I'm not wild about Trump, but he doesn't hate America like the cackling witch does.
When did I marry you?
Musta been that time I got wasted off cheap wine. God damn it

Yes I am very disappointed. I can't afford American dollars, it's too expensive!! xDD

Originally Posted by salvete View Post
I didn't know Mr. Wrong and Roachi were married
Apparently we're getting a divorce now.

Originally Posted by Queen_Andais View Post
Only on Menewsha, Salvete. Otherwise, they aren't actually married.

I will continue to believe that there are enough smart people left to realize that we aren't as doomed as we are led to believe. And will disagree that Trump doesn't hate the United States, he has his own way of hating the country that has enabled him to make millions, file for Bankruptcy and then make more money.

Speaking of wicked things, my chin hair is back. Blegh.
I don't think he hates Americans. But he surely hates immigrants lol.