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ThineRiddler is offline
Old 09-25-2016, 05:08 PM

Well, never buy unless you're absolutely sure you want to stay in that area for a long time. Always rent to test out the area you're moving into. I almost moved into a house with a former friend of mine and bought it with her, then when we couldn't find one, we rented. That woman ended up verbally abusing me a lot, so I was glad I didn't but a house. And I am a person who is going to end up moving a lot for school, so I chose to just rent. Most people don't buy houses until they're in their thirties. (My parents didn't by a house until they were 30 something, I think.)

Basics? It depends on what you like doing. I, personally, enjoy cooking more than zapping something in the microwave, so I could live without one of those. A toaster oven, since I just use the oven, I would just exnay the toaster one too. You just have to think how you would use that appliance and then think about how often you'll use it. It's all dependent on you.

Little knick knacks and Halloween decor. I love Halloween and I'm a huge nerd. The first thing you see when you walk into my house is a Pokemon poster. Then my room is decked out in nerdy stuff and skulls.

Luckily, the place I'm renting was partially furnished (the beds ended up having bedbugs though, we got rid of them real quick) so I have a washer/dryer in my place. It definitely helps. But, usually, if you have somewhere you can take it for free and you don't have your own, do that.

I'm terrible at making grocery lists, but if I got out and buy my essentials of what I need, it's only 20 or 30 dollars. I get everything that's super cheap because I only make around 1000, well, 500 now, a month, I don't have room to be picky.a

Gas heating. It will save you in the end. When we use gas here, it's only 50 a month and when we're not using it all around the house, it's only like 20. Since gas is really cheap right now, always go with gas.

Fun money? Well, that depends on what you mean. I usually put fifty in savings (I don't make a lot to begin with) and then pay my bills. Anything after that can be counted as "fun money"

It depends on what I need. I don't buy clothes all that often because everything still fits. At work I just have to wear a t-shirt and jeans/basketball shorts, which I have.

My landlord is pretty chill and I think she loves me, so I kind of just ask her for whatever and she's cool with it. Usually, as long as you have that line of communication with a landlord, it'll be alright. But she also the only landlord I have ever had, so I don't know, man.

I hope some of this helped, if not, feel free to ask questions. I'm not a pro, but I'm always willing to try and help!!