Thread: Trouble
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ChoShadowMaster is offline
Old 12-11-2016, 11:54 AM

"Ah, Sukie! Uh, what? No, no one killed my dog!" She chuckled at her friends words, "Your face says otherwise. You look ready to kill someone." She said laughing, 'Oh, you have no clue, how right you are, Sukie!' "Heh, what can I say? You know I'm not a morning person." Morgan said scratching the back of her head, "Hmmm....another long night of Council work and homework, again huh?" Sukie said shaking her head at her friend. Sukie, swung her arm around Morgans shoulder and began walking with her towards the schools large front doors and towards their lockers, "You really need to just be done with that stupid Council! I swear, I'll never understand why you really wanted that job, even after you started training and saw how hard it would be. You were totally dead-half all the time! And still are most times!" She sighed and patted her friend on the head, "It was for extra credit and this will look good on my resume for getting into the college I want, you know that." Morgan pouted at her friend, "Your grades alone will help you with that, no problem." Sukie said snapping her finger at Morgan, smiling. Morgan pushed Sukies arm off of her playfully as they reach their lockers and opened hers up, "Yeah, well...I wouldn't be to sure of that." she frowned at the inside of her locker, hiding it from her friend, then grabbed the books she'd need for her first class.

"Well, if your grades don't get you into that college. Then there is no hope for me." Sukie said closing her locker door, then leaned against it, smiling at her friend. Morgan, laughed as she closed her own locker, "Lies! I've seen your test and such." She stuck her tongue out at her, and Sukie quickly grabbed her in a headlock and began messing up her hair with a nuggie, "Then stop being so hard on yourself!" Morgan struggled with Sukie for a good two minutes, the two laughing the whole time and yelling at each other. Till finally Morgan got herself free and moved away from Sukie, while having her hands up, "Okay, fine! You win this time!" she said moving back as Sukie moved forward, "That's right I do!" she said puffing her chest and smiling in victory. The bell ringed at that moment for students to head to their classes and at that moment Morgan, finally realized that the hall was filled with students and the two had been acting like fools the whole time, but that was normal when the two got together, everybody pretty much knew that this was how, Morgan and Sukie, behaved together. But sometimes Morgan, would forget and get slightly embarrassed when going overboard with her, "Ah, we're going to be late! I'm not showing up late to Mr. Blooms class!" "He'll defiantly have me do tons of work if I am!" The two looked at each other with eyes full of fear at the thought.

The two quickly sprinted to their class and made it just in time, and were not spared from the laughs of their classmates, at their appearance because the two looked like they just got out of a wind tunnel. As the two had not fixed their hair or clothes after their little fight in the hall or their run to the classroom. They looked at each other and chuckled, then quickly helped fix each other, before Mr. Bloom, became annoyed with the two for their distraction and then quickly sat down at their desk to take roll call. Morgan couldn't help but notice that Mr. Bloom, looked more annoyed than normal, but just shrugged it off as most likely either them coming in the way they did or another student had, had the pleasure of putting Mr. Bloom in a much worse mood. Either way, Morgan would make sure to just kept quiet and not bother talking to the man after class, that Rogan, would most likely be coming to him about her resigning and just let things happen.