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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 12-20-2016, 10:55 PM

A Royal Ice Court!
It has been a bit icy around Menewsha lately and we're not sure it's from the weather. We want you to make a royal court that is fit to reside in a glorious ice palace. Your group needs to have at least a king or a queen and one other royal position to be considered a group for purposes of this contest. You can also include any other positions in a royal court, for example, heirs to the throne, knights, jesters, ladies in waiting, religious heads, falconers, master of horses, or wizards like Merlin and so on. Some royal courts even had harems and concubines, many wives, and many children.
Have fun with this one, but remember, it's an ICE palace!

Entry Form:

[COLOR="deepskyblue"][SIZE="5"]The Royal Court![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B]Usernames (in order):[/B]
[B]Royal Titles (in order):[/B]


The Royal Court!
Usernames (in order): Elirona, R u b y, Velvet, Bloodstainedwings
Royal Titles (in order): King, Queen, Court Wizard, Knight
The Royal Court!
Usernames (in order):Star2000shadow /XoGizmooX /Shadami/ Salvete/ Dragoness129/Nephila/ Kay

Royal Titles (in order):Queen /The Royal Court Jester/Queen/Royal Advisor / Decorate and Protect mage/Knight Commander/battle mage

In this royal palace with its Icy walls, the people vary in both race and personality. Since it can only look different in so many ways and still be sturdy, the palace decorators designed the floor with varying degrees of decorations making the grand floors the most unique part of the palace. (Excluding the people themselves of course.)
XoGizmooX - The royal court jester Gizzie is part snow creature who is completely comfortable running around stark naked, the people are so used to it that it doesn't phase anyone.
Shadami - Queen icicle isn't old as her white hair would suggest, in truth she's part snow fairy so it just is a part of her natural look. She tends to flit around taking care of the sillier side of things even going as far as to decorate some of the celings as fancily as the floors get decorated.
Star2000Shadow - Queen Snowflake attends more of the royal functions and the court proceedings, ruling over the daily matters in her royal manner (a nice counterpoint for the flighty, absentminded manner of her fellow Queen)
Salvete - The royal Adviser Salvete flits between different positions wherever she is needed, helping to advise the various members of the royal household even picking up a sword to defend the kingdom when needed. The largest of her advisory skills coming from the magic of future seeing from her crystal ball.
Nephilia - Knight Nephila rules over the army, often leaving to command the army as the lead commander in the field. They feel that it is necessary to be in the fray themselves if others will risk their lives for the land, than so shall they! Sitting behind paperwork to direct armies is not this commanders idea of the job!
Kay - Every army in a land where there is magic needs a battle mage. Sorcerer Kay with a touch of elven blood is the right magic user for the job. They can direct spells through their focus of their staff, or fight close up propelling their power through their own swinging spiked gauntlets.
Dragoness - The other mage of the castle focuses her magic into interior decorating and placing protection spells around the ice palace. If war were to make it to the castle she is strong enough with her magic that she could easily keep the residents of the palace safe

Last edited by Cora; 01-05-2017 at 01:09 AM..