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Linnea is offline
Old 12-22-2016, 02:16 AM

So I was looking back and I realized that there really hasn't been a lot of these types of contests lately, and that made me sad! For all you crafty and photo-friendly users out there, your event prayers have been heard, and I am here to deliver! There are a couple different categories so find one, or all!, that suits you and get to work! You can enter up to TWO TIMES for each contest! You got that? TWO ENTRIES ALLOWED FOR EACH CONTEST! The entries will be accepted until the end of the event, so don't hesitate!

-> You will need to prove that you made the craft/took the photo, so you MUST include your user name, handwritten in the photo. It can not be edited in and it will not be accepted if it is. <-

-> Entries should be made specifically by you for this specific holiday season. It is preferable if it's not used in other craft contests for this event AND please do not submit something you submitted in any previous Menewshan Event. That's just tacky <-

-> You can edit your entry until it's updated to the front, and don't worry, I'll take me time.<-

And of course, you will be rewarded for your efforts in each contest.

First: Both contribution items for December + 4,000 gold + full set of FoWN 2017 event rares
Second: 4,000 gold + full set of FoWN 2017 event rares
Third: Full set of FoWN 2017 event rares

Find a Recruit!
OH! And I added a new element to this contest! The number of entrants are usually, and sadly, somewhat low, so if you can recruit fellow users to participate there will be something in it for you! 100 gold a pop! Make sure the person you recruit adds your username to their entry so you can get the credit and the reward!

Last edited by Linnea; 12-23-2016 at 02:21 AM..