Thread: Trouble
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ChoShadowMaster is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 09:00 AM

(Merry Christmas! =D Yes, it was a great day! I hope you also had a great time with your family as well!)

Morgan was trying her best to not zone out again because she was so confused by this whole situation, 'He's being so normal...I feel like any minute cameras are going to come popping out and then everyone is going to start laughing and tell me this is all just a joke.' She kept eye contact with him the whole time not even realizing it until he had finished talking. Her eye grew wide for a moment, she quickly nodded and then began with the first chemical, quickly looking at her notes and then asked him what the measurement for the next one was, "How much of the, oleic acid?" She finished with her first compound and carefully poured it into the flask that had been heating up. She watched as it hissed and began to form a gas, feeling nervous because that's not what happened when Mr. Shaw did it. She glanced sideways at Rogan but also caught sight of Alice and Deon, still talking about what they should put in and how much of it, that made her feel slightly better.