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Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 01-05-2017, 02:35 AM

Octavius bowed respectfully as he kept his head low hearing what Alis and the King said. So the Prince had no guard witch was odd. Every kingdom he knew had one he could have swore Rillus said that the Prince had one and the King himself. However as the king pointed out he was just a squire not even a real knight. The way his life was going he was never going to be fit to become a knight. Everyone wanted the fools like Damian and Fredrick because they came from noble houses and could charm people. But they had no real skill when it came to combat. It really bothered him that even Sir.Rillus favored the boys because of their political positions not their skill. He could out wit them any day and normally did. But he was just a stable boy apparently.

He sighed as he slowly rose respectfully and bowed again. " Good day your Majesty's. " He said softly as he slowly rose and turned. He gently lead the horse away knowing he needed to get back to the sable before one of the other knights or squires started something. He was sure that Damian and Fredrick would start their tells of saving the Prince and convince the King and Sir.Rillus they should be chosen as castle guards or personal guards for the royal family. He sighed as he looked over at the poor horse who nuzzled him softly. " Shh it's alright you did everything right. I promise a bucket of extra oats when we get back and some fresh hay. I'll get you fresh cool water and a few apples you deserve it. The stable master isn't going to be happy with me though." He said as he gave the horse a soft grin. "But don't worry about it. I'm use to cleaning stalls."