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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-22-2017, 02:29 PM

Saturday, January 21, 2017

So I took my cat to the vet today. I rather felt like a jerk but she wasn't eating properly and I was worried. They think it's feline HIV? So I have to give her some powder in her food now to treat that. Hopefully it'll make her better. I was worried that she had lost weight because she wasn't eating but it turns out that with the few kibbles I've been giving her with her wet food she's actually gained weight. After that I came back home and got some Chinese food for lunch because it was really late and I didn't feel like cooking anything. I was planning on going out to the store after that but by the time I was ready it was dark out so I decided not to. I worked on sewing my curtains instead. I'm so happy to finally finish them! They look great! I have to fix the one window though because it's letting in too much light at night but hopefully it should be an easy enough fix. I watched more Yuri On Ice while I sewed. I'm so in love with that show. Ice skating hotties...bromance references...beautiful animation... *drool* After that I played a bit of SWTOR and got to bed later than I should have.

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C is for cat whom I took to the vet today and for Chinese food which was yummy and for curtains! What a very C day!