Thread: Baby, Be Mine
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BellyButton is offline
Old 02-06-2017, 10:41 PM

These brave folks have begun their journey towards Xan-parenthood. Let's wish them all the best of luck! :)



Body: 18 Points

Originally Posted by BellyButton View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Crocheted Baby Xan. He has a crumpled pink sock for a brain.. sometimes, when he concentrates really hard, it shows through the holes. (Forgive the poor lighting. I mostly do things at night. Mostly)
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Originally Posted by BellyButton View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Why look like a million bucks when you can lay on a million bucks? That's our philosophy in the kitchen today ~ meet Sugar cookie Xan, with raspberry licorice-limbs!
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Interesting tidbit of lore: This is cookie-Xan's third head.. the first one suffered hideous disfiguration when the licorice smile I made decided to un-curve itself.. flesh goo everywhere! The other one took a piece o'shrapnel in the forehead.
Mind: 4 Points

Originally Posted by BellyButton View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: It was hard to choose only 6 books. The three on the left are some childhood favorites (battered and worn from use!) with bittersweet messages ~ I included two fun & informational sciencey books (one on field identification techniques & one on anatomy) & an inspirational book filled with lots of delightful pictures of mother-child art collaborations.
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While I was busy choosing, Xan went straight for the good stuff. I'm not sure if he really knows how to read yet, but he seems to have rather subversive tastes..

Spirit: 6 Points

Originally Posted by BellyButton View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Xan drew this.. when I inquire what it means, he just says, "mommy!"
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I think he's trying to tell me he wants some roller skates?
Originally Posted by BellyButton View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I have everything I need to live a full, happy life ~ a tall ship, a sail to tie back so I can fish off the plank, a wink and a smile. Sure, I haven't had any oranges since three ports back, but I just caught an orange fish! I know that wherever the wind blows, there's nothing life can throw at me that I can't handle! ;D
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Captain Howdy


Body: 6 points awarded!

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Xan was sick, yo! Here's what went down!
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This morning I was roused from slumber by Baby Xan tapping at my pressurized hyperbaric sleep chamber. I lifted the dome and asked what was wrong.

“I don’t feel good, bish!” He replied.

I noted that his blueberry like skin was now tinged with angry red splotches. I asked if he had been eating the Tide pods from the laundry room again, but he denied it. That’s when I felt his forehead. He was running a terrible fever. But there was another strange symptom.

“The rhythm!” He cried. “It consumes me!”

And yes, his legs were shaking, and his hips gyrating. We would need to see a doctor fast.

So piling into my magical shopping cart, we rolled down to the strip mall to see Dr. Taco, Baby Xan’s pediatrician. After an hour of poking, prodding and reading chicken bones, Dr. Taco had the answer.

“It’s just as I feared,” He frowned, “Baby Xan is suffering from Rockin’ Pneumonia, coupled with a minor case of Boogie Woogie Flu.”

“Holy music based maladies,” I cried, “what can we do?!”

“The rhythm inside him needs to be released. His soul craves to dance!”

“My feet are like lovers, they yearn to embrace the floor!” Xan exclaimed.

“Quickly!” Dr. Taco, cried. “He needs music! Good music!”

And thus we were on our way, after the complimentary chimichangas. First we went to see pop singing sensation, Mayonnaisé. As we watched her twerk across the stage, I hoped that her pre-recorded stylings would cure Baby Xan. But he turned away in disgust.

“No! Enough of this disposable pop trite! I need real music!”

So then we headed to the Moldy Stones concert. This gave me hope, as the crowd seemed to be enjoying the show. As Dick Stagger, balancing his guitar on his walker, rocked the stage, geriatric lovelies let their bloomers rain down from above. But Xan was having none of it.

“The rhythm in me wants to live, and you bring me corpses! I crave relevance!”

I was at a loss. That’s when Palms Solo, my old sensei, appeared from the fifth dimension. Wiping the ectoplasm from his brow, he said to me, “You now there is only one way to cure Xan, Howdy. Use the bongos.”

“But sensei,” I moaned, “how can I? I haven’t played since the Titanic! All those people! My bongos couldn’t save them!”

“You shouldn’t have been playing in the theater anyway, Howdy.”

“But the pretentiousness of that film… It was horrible.”

Dismounting his multi-colored space koala, he approached me and took me by the shoulder. “Look, look at Xan. Look at that oddly shaped blue blob and see his torment.” And as I looked, I saw that thing that lives in my house for some reason, legs trembling, desperately trying to enjoy a hobo playing the spoons. I knew what I had to.

I summoned my bongos and began to play. I felt rusty at first, but the cosmos would not allow me to forget. And soon, Culture Club’s “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me” began to flow through me.

The music lifted up from the bongos, like sticky rainbow bubble tape, and wrapped itself around Baby Xan. And he began to dance! Dance like none had done before! And the rhythm began to seep from him like diamonds! And the birds stopped singing! And the wind stopped blowing! And old timey newspaper boys stopped shouting! All to hear the song and see Xan dance!

And when I was done, I was exhausted. The spirit of Boy George left me, and I looked up. Baby Xan stood there… still. The rhythm freed from his body.

“Thank you, human I tolerate. Thank you.”

Picking him off the ground, I held Xan in my arms. “Let’s go get some ice cream.” And we walked off into the sunset... which was really the early afternoon. So it was still pretty sunny. But a sunset would have been a nice dramatic backdrop. But that’s all moot now. Uh… The End
Mind: 10 points awarded!

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Xan Portrait, using my terrible art skills. He was feeling Napoleonic today, so that's what we went with.
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Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Here's what Xan and I have been reading.
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And because I forgot to put my name...

Spirit: 8 points awarded!

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I've created a cozy little corner for Baby Xan. He's got a soft comfy blanket and toys to play with. It's also important, I think, for children to have a nice nutritional snack and something healthy to drink.
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Body: 16 Points

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Baby Xan has a rash!! What could it be???
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Diary of a Baby Xan Rash

"Baby Xan! What's wrong? You don't look so good!" *I place the back of my hand on Baby Xans brow* "And you're burning up!! And you've got a rash!! Don't worry Baby Xan! I'll figure this out!"

February 16, 8:00AM
I found baby Xan in bed this morning with a terrible fever and a rash too boot. I'm not sure what it could be but I'm gonna figure it out! Last night he had a bath. I'm going to start there and check the water chemistry with a test strip.
February 16, 8:30AM
Well I checked the water. It was fine. I looked at the bubble bath soap I used though, and it said it could cause irritation. I'm going to dab a little bit of soap on Baby Xans hand and leave it for a few hours to see if that might be it.
February 16, 10:30AM
Nothing! His hand was totally fine. Lets see what did I do next? That would have been toweling dry and then dinner. Mashed carrots and yams. Most of it went on the floor or my shirt but he did manage to eat some of it. Could he be allergic to those? I’m going to do a smear test with both the carrot and yam to see if that might have done it.
February 16, 12:30PM
That yielded no results. Baby Xan isn’t allergic to them. He just doesn’t like to eat them. I’m going to have to wait till after lunch time to investigate. In better news, his fever is coming down and his rash is receding quickly. Whatever it was that did this doesn’t seem to have a lasting effect. That’s good.
February 16, 4:00PM
I researched common allergies after lunch and found lots of information but not many possibilities. I thought it might have been a bug bite but I inspected Xan’s little blue body and found no bites or red bumps. His fever is just about gone and the rash disappeared an hour ago. He’s running around like nothing happened. I’m just going to let it go for now and hopefully it doesn’t happen again.
February 17, 7:30AM
It’s back!! The rash is back! This is driving me crazy! I gave him a soothing bath for now and have him resting in bed. I’m going to search the kitchen for anything that could have irritated him. Dinner was the same as last night so there has to be something else.
February 17, 9:00AM
I have found a small trace of a red substance that appears to be a powder. Just a few particles. I’m not sure what it is but I found it under on of the counters. Where’s a mass spectrometer when you need one?
February 17, 10:30AM
I went over the house with a fine toothed comb. I found more traces of the powder outside of Baby Xan’s room. I think I’m onto something! Like yesterday, Xan’s fever and rash are coming down quickly. I have a plan to figure this out but I’ll have to wait till tonight.
February 18, 12:30AM
I’ve been hiding in the pantry for over 4 hours. I put baby Xan to sleep, cleaned up the kitchen and “went to bed” I was so hoping I might catch Baby Xan in the act of…

*the diary tumbles to the ground as I leap out of the pantry* “BABY XAN!! WHY ARE YOU CHUGGING CHILI POWDER?!?”

Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Baby Xan via Levi
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Mind: 12 points awarded!
Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: A short story about how Baby Yan and Xan made a killer combo!
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One day when Baby Yan was walking through the streets of Menewsha in search of cookies, he ran into Baby Xan. Yan waved hello and Xan waved back asking, "What are you doing today?" Baby Yan replied, "I'm looking to get some cookies! They are all locked up at my house in a top cupboard in the pantry so I'm looking to see if anybody might have dropped on the sidewalk."

Baby Xan looked perturbed by the idea of eating a cookie off the sidewalk and so he suggested to Baby Yan, "Why don't we go back to your house and figure out how to get those cookies down? We can split them 60 / 40!"

Baby Yan looked excited and started jumping up and down. "OK!" He exclaimed, "Hey wait! Are you trying to get more cookies than me??" Yan demanded when he finally heard what Xan had said.

"Oh of of course not! Did I say 60 / 40? I meant to say 50 / 50!" Baby Xan replied, a droplet of sweat rolling down from his brow.

With the cookie split decided, Bayb Yan and Xan walked back to Yan's house to get a plan together for their great cookie caper!

Yan showed Xan to the pantry. All the cupboards had doors on them and the one that held the cookes was at the very top. “Hmmm…” Xan said as he looked around the pantry. “This is a tough one…” There wasn’t much to work with. A broom, dust pan, mop, basic things you would find in a pantry. “Where are the pots and pans?” Xan asked Yan. “In the kitchen over here.” Yan replied as he lead Xan over to the pots and pans in a bottom drawer in the kitchen.

“Ok Yan… This is the Yan Xan Plan! Here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna take these pots and stack them under cookies and climb up to get them!” Xan started hopping excitedly from foot to foot. Yan looked a little doubtful but said nothing, instead grabbing a pot and scurrying into the pantry as fast as his feet could tak him.

It didn’t take long for Yan and Xan to stack up the pots and pans in a pyramid like configuration. Climbing up to the top on the rickety stack, Xan looked up thoughtfully, his hand rubbing his chin. “Looks like we are a bit short Baby Xan…” Yan said with a hint of sarcasm. “Just a technical difficulty! Give me a minute!” Xan replied.

Looking around for a solution, Baby Yan shouted, “I got it!! Yan Xan Plan Phase 2! Execute!” Yan jumped down off the stack of pots and pans and hollered to Xan, “Come help me move theses to the opposite side of the Pantry!”

It didn’t take long to move the stack. It was only 3 feet away. In no time they had the pyramid reassembled. “Now you go up to the top and open the middle cupboard Xan!” Yan directed as he went an grabbed the broom. Leaning it against the stack of pots, Yan clambered up to the top and started hauling the broom up with the help of Xan. “Now all we need to do,” Huffed Yan, “is wedge the broom end into the cupboard where we are standing, then we’ll lean it across to the other side of the pantry and it should take us up right to the cookies!!” Yan finished positively vibrating in anticipation of the coming sugar rush. “That’s diabolical!” Xan exclaimed. “Well lets not forget your contribution with the pots and pans!” Yan countered.

Finished with their congratulations, Xan and Yan wedged the broom against the open cupboard, let the handle lean across the pantry, and scurried up the handle to the other side of the pantry. The broom handle was just long enough to get them to the top cupboard! As Yan opened the cupboard, his eyes went wide! There were bags and boxes of the sweet delicious goodies! Grabbing onto a bag, he handed it back to Xan who slid back down the handle. Grabbing one himself, Yan followed suit. As he reached the bottom, Xan ran back up for another box and so on and so on. In no time, they had emptied the cupboard and were tearing into the bags and boxes of delicious cookies. Chocolate chip, sugar cookie, orange chocolate, mint filled, coconut and macadamia nut, the choices were endless! …

A half hour later, the boxes and bags were empty and Xan and Yan’s stomachs were bulging with cookies. “Xan… Xan I don’t feel so good…” Yan said, struggling to sit upright. “Yan… New deal…” Xan huffed trying to move to a new position, “You can have.. UFFF… ALL the cookies next time!” Xan managed to get out before keeling over with a moan.

And so Yan and Xan learned their lesson that while putting their heads together to solve problems is a good idea, eating boxes and bags of cookies isn’t...
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: It's never to early to start start cultivating the mind.
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Spirit: 8 points

I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: A baby proof place for Baby Xan to relax!
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Body: 6 points

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: I shall take a healthy jog after I finish this delicious apple!
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I have completed a BODY task!
Description: panel comic strip
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Mind: 20 points

I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Always up for leaning!
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Books for Baby Xan
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: My terrible hand at digital drawing.
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: The meeting and solving of a problem tale.
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It was a bright Summer day. Baby Yan was coming to visit and Baby Xan was very excited about it! He had never met Yan before and was eager to make a new friend. A few minutes which seemed like hours to a waiting baby passed before the doorbell rang. Baby Xan sat up in his playpen and stared at the door, waiting for his mommy to open it.
"Hello, Shadami! Great to see you! What an adorable Baby Yan! Please, do come in! The playpen is set up over here." Xan's mommy lead the way. It wasn't until Yan was placed in his pen that Xan was able to look at the new baby. He tilted his head in confusion. White skin? Whoever had white skin? Blue was definitely the way to go in color. Xan thought to himself. Soon he was saying hello to Yan in all of his adorable baby speech. They soon became best friends and were plotting how to get out of the pen and towards those wonderful fresh baked cookies.
Xan looked over to see his mommy chatting excitedly with Yan's mommy. He nodded his head to Yan, their signal that the coast was clear. Using Xan as a stool, Yan climbed onto his shoulders, wobbling a while until they gained their balance. Soon they made their way to the gate and Yan carefully reached over, fidgeting with the lock on the pen. After a few attempts, it was open. Yan climbed down from Xan's shoulders and tested the pen gate. It opened easily.
They glanced back at their mommies to make sure the coast as still clear before they started walking to the kitchen. Wobbly legs leading, they stumbled across the cold tile and looked up at the counter. They could smell the cookies. They could see the steam gently rising from the fresh cookies. The grey steel of the pan was barely poking over the edge of the counter. They looked up at it longingly, trying to figure out how to reach it. They would not be able to reach even if they were standing on each other's shoulders.
After a moment's thought and looking around the kitchen, an idea came to Xan. He excitedly pointed at the kitchen chair, drawing Yan's attention to it. Yan smiled and nodded his approval. They both wobbled over to the chair. Once on each side, they slowly pushed the chair so that it was right against the counter with the cookies. This time, it was Yan's turn to be a stool while Xan climbed onto his shoulders. Xan climbed onto the chair from there. He reached down to help Yan up onto the chair as they still needed more height to reach the counter. It was a struggle though since Xan still lacked a lot of upper body strength. Finally, they were both on the chair and Yan resumed being the stool. Xan climbed onto his back. The cookies in his sights now. He reached his hand forward, touching the gooey cookies. He had not anticipated them being hot still. In shock, he knocked the whole tray onto the floor. The should echoed around the room. Wide-eyed, Xan and Yan climbed back down to inspect the cookies.
Just moments later, Xan's mommy rushed into the kitchen, followed closely by Yan's mommy. They stopped and started, jaws hanging open. Soon, they could not help but grin at their babies and their ability to solve a problem. A little bit of dirt did not stop the babies from eating the cookies in victory. Their mouths and hands were covered in their gooey victory.

Spirit: 4 points

I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Baby Xan drawing a sun, trees, and house.
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Body: 8 points

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. )
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I have completed a BODY task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. )
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"What the fuck?"

Dystopia lifts Baby Xan for inspection. Something's not right. He's supposed to be a healthy blue, but he's not! There are terrible red spots all over his body, and he's burning up! That's not right.

"No no no!" Dystopia cries. "I had you vaccinated!"

Despite her protests, Baby Xan continues to suffer from his mysterious ailment. What is it? Dystopia has no idea. She isn't smart enough to make an accurate diagnosis, and she isn't stupid enough to make a guess. That's the kind of stupid shit that kills people, and she's having none of that for any Baby Xan of hers, thank you very much!

Instead, Dystopia is going to make some calls. First, she calls the hospital and informs them that they are going to send an ambulance right now. Then, she flips through her phonebook. Who is going to watch Baby Yan while she goes to the hospital? Not her estranged husband Baja. And certainly not the purple tornado Channah. Perhaps kindly Mama Juru would be able to look after him?

As Dystopia waits for the ambulance- and may the Spirit of the Phoenix have mercy on anyone who dares makes her wait too long- she packs an overnight bag.

The ambulance arrives. Dystopia wraps Baby Yan and Baby Xan in soft, warm blankets and holds them. Baby Yan soon wiggles free and tries to harass one of the paramedics. He is relocated to the roof of the vehicle, where he is duct taped down so he can no longer cause any further trouble. He entertains himself for the rest of the ride by shouting "WEE WOO" along with the siren. Dystopia shoots the babysitter a PM, telling them to peel him off later.

Finally, the party arrives at the hospital. Dystopia carries Baby Xan inside to get a professional medical opinion. The doctors and his nurses walk circles around Baby Xan. They rub their chins and write on their clipboards. They take all sorts of measurements, poking and prodding with strange medical instruments. They nod and debate amongst each other for a few minutes. Finally, they whisk Baby Xan away to begin treatment.

"Menewshan superflu," one doctor explains. He reaches into his pocket and scribbles something in doctorese. "I'll give you a prescription for pills to bring down the fever and a cream for the rash."

Dystopia buys the medicine from the hospital pharmacy. Eventually, Dystopia and Baby Xan are allowed to go home. They pick up Baby Yan and return home, where Dystopia nurses Baby Xan back to health.
Mind: 12 points

I have completed a MIND task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. )
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. )
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. )
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Spirit: 6 points

I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. )
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I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I think Xan wants to go to the beach because he drew a self portrait (???) in the beach picture book...
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Body: 10 points awarded!
Originally Posted by Elirona View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: I created a Baby Xan! He's made of beads and thinks you're a cool.
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Mind: 6 points awarded!

Originally Posted by Elirona View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: I created a masterpiece of Baby Xan! I asked him what great work of art he'd like to be rendered in, but he wasn't very specific about what he wanted, so I showed him some and he suggested bits and pieces of some. It's kind of a mishmash. I call it, "Baby Xan's Day Out." He's crying because he's happy to finally have been adopted. :p
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Spirit: 18 points awarded!
Originally Posted by Elirona View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I took Xan on an exotic adventure to see the fabled giant snow camel, who only appears on cold winter nights after a full day of hailing. It's fabled that the camel helped birthed baby Jesus, so I figured that taking my newborn baby Xan to see the exotic camel would be thematic. The giant snow camel can only be seen in the far off and exotic land of NewBoyLawn.
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I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I forged some of baby Xan's art! It was kind of hard to get a hold of. He likes to hide his art in the underwear drawer, and he's ALWAYS in his bedroom playing League of Legends, so it's hard to sneak in and steal some of his art. I'm not entirely sure what Baby Xan was going for here, but I think of our neighbor, Mr. Hindquarters when I look at this. I see Baby Xan stare out the window wistfully when Mr. Hindquarters mows his lawn in between rounds in LoL. Also, Baby Xan has bad taste in video games.
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Originally Posted by Elirona View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I created a safe space for baby Xan! In this safe space he's made a friend: Jimphf, the cannibalistic rainbow giraffe. He doesn't eat weird abomination babies. In case Jimphf DOES attempt to eat Baby Xan however, the Ice Cream Squishable Guardian will smite Jimphf in a flame of cold ice cream.
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Emma Corrin


Body: 16 points

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: I made Baby Xan cookies!!! Frosted Oatmeal Cookies with Pretzel M&Ms to decorate Baby Xan's head!
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I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Baby Xan in the flesh & blood! <3
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Mind: 12 points

I have completed a MIND task!
Description: My Baby Xan masterpiece!!
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: "I am stimulated by intellectual pursuits."
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: After finger painting, he's fallen in love with Art books. Wreck It Ralph is probably his favorite to look at. I've been encouraging his interest with Art History books and the Making of Wreck It Ralph! His creativity has also slipped into the kitchen and now he's obsessed with Ro's Nerdy Nummies cookbook. I think we may have to keep an eye on him though. I've looked away once or twice and when I found him, he was trying to turn on the stove... I also noticed he really likes me to read him Grimm's Fairy Tales. I'm nervous about how much he likes the darker ones.... And then I found this Book of Spells in his playpen and I got even more nervous.... Should I be worried??
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Spirit: 6 points

I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: "I have everything I need to live a full, happy life."
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I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Baby Xan did some finger painting of him and his future mommy on a sunny day! Xan loves his future mommy <3
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For-Chan Cookie


Body: 10 points

Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Xan becomes 3-D!
Link or image/text: Ta da!

Mind: 10 Points

Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Manga is a perfectly acceptable thing for babies to read!
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: A Beautiful Xan portrait.
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Spirit: 22 Points

Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I made Xan a comfy bed. :D
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[IMG]I have completed a SPIRIT task! Description: Xan drew his favorite think it says Meh. His favorite word. *shrugs* Link or image/text: [/IMG]
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Xan and Yan are having a sleepover. Time to get tucked in! (Super short non-Oscar worthy video)
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Body: 10 Points

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: I have crafted a baby Xan out of paper, bringing him into this, the 3rd Dimension. >:)
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Body: 10 Points

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: My Baby Xan made of playdoh and toothpicks~
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Mind: 10 points

I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Baby Xan portrait
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Books for Xan to read
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Spirit: 10 Points

I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Baby Xan safe space
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I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: All I need is a laptop and a cat and I'll be happy~
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Body: 14 points awarded!
Originally Posted by *Hime* View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: I sewed this little fella together. Unfortunaly I had no red thread and my sewing capabilities are a bit off. Still.. he is alliiiive
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Originally Posted by *Hime* View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Do I need a description? All fun and swell in xan-land!

Mind: 10 points

Originally Posted by *Hime* View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Books with an entertaining and educational purpose. And dear Xan will learn dutch as an excellent bonus

I have completed a MIND task!
Full body xan :3

Spirit: 10 points

Originally Posted by *Hime* View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Baby xan draws his dreamhorse
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I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I took Xan for a healthy walk in the quite exotic flemish countryside where we found some strange animals. And fed them.
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Body: 20 points

Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Baby Xan is sick or what the hell have you created HIM.
Link or image/text:Baby Xan hasn't been feeling well, he's got a rash had his baby injections could it be an allergic reacton to that...No surely that would snown up sooner. It's not meningiitus as the rash diissapeears when a glass is pressed against it. Lesser spotted fever ? No there's not been a case of that for years. So I ran Xan a bath just incase he'd go ino the raspberry jam again that's what happened last ttime Xan has a "rash". Whle i the bath I checkd Xan's gums jus incase he was teething. Nothing just dibble. LOTS of dribble. Clean, dry and ncely cooled down that's when t happened instead of his usual baby babble and dribble, he started screaming obcenities and speaking in emojis... Thats when I knew it was bad. After consultng Dr Google it as clear. Xan was etheir a millennial or constpated. But Xan had already made a mess of three baby grows, how he managed to undo his nappy I shall never know. So Xan migh just be a millennal let's see cat vdeos and menes tend to calm angry millennials. So breaking out the smart phone and the selfie stick I loaded a video of cat memes, only to be projectile vominted on complete with carrots. XAN HASN'T EVEN EATEN CARROTS ! Back to Dr Google.... Demonic possession... with a siide case of chicken pox. Chicken pox we can deal with camomile lotion and scratch mits. Donning the hazmat suit to avoid etting covered in vomit agai brandished a dish mop overed in cammomile loton and proceeded to slather a thick covered head to toe over Xan. I then proceded to swaddle th foul mouthed emoji spurting slippery babe.
Having managed to palmed...asked everyoen's favouriite mayor to babysit our lovely Xan... Conviniently forgetting to mentoned the demonic possestion. I set off tto find someone who would know know to rid the babe of his demons an rid him of the emojiis. There's only so many eggplant emojis one can take before they start replacing every other word. Having unsuccssfully located a pest of any sort I turn to Able who directed me to Lise thnking that she may have the answer to my problem. Lise suggsed that I try a cleansing so armed with evertyhng I need to preform this "cleansing" I made my way back to find a terrifed Mr Mayor who said something about never babysittiing again. But alas this cleansing didn't seem to work baby Xan seemed angrier than ever. As a last ditch effot decded to wind him and with a burp tha th devil himself could have heard the demon was out. And I was let wth a happy camomle covered chicken pox Xan.
Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: HIIIM really can't draw butt here's the Xan comic
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Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: It's best not to ask. He was made from stuff HIM found round the house. The loo roll tube holds his entrails ( the rest of the USB wire).
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Mind: 10 points

Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: HIM drew a Xantrait
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Books for Xan, HIM's working on the theory Xan lkes battleships and HIM is going to get in early and teach Xan about electrickery.
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Spirit: 12 points

Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: It's a blank fort for Xan tto retreat to when everyhing gets a bit too much. Best part is as it's beween two chairs it means that you can kep an eye on Xan without invading his space thus making it completely baby proof.
Link or image/text:
Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: A self portrait by baby Xancasso showing the stuggle he faces not yet being able to vocalize what he want to say... Well at least that's what think it is.
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Body: 10 points

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: construction paper xan. O:
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Mind: 12 Points

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: A portrait of Xan in his onesie. > o>
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Originally Posted by Kent View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: six books I'll read to Xan~
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Kent is very much an intellectual. He studies creatures in his underwater laboratory with his assistant catbat~
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Spirit: 8 Points

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: a nice comfortable spot to pet the kitty, huggle stuffed animals, and nap~
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Body: 10 Points

Originally Posted by Linnea View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Meet Xan! he is hand sewn together with some felt (and a little glue), which makes his arms able to hold positions freely, and he has some red button eyes. Xan is also sporting a fancy homemade bow tie, because bow ties are cool... and also because it's an event! He is sitting on my kitchen table because he thinks it's funny to put his butt where food goes. it's not.
Link or image/text:
Mind: 10 Points

Originally Posted by Linnea View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: I hope to instill Xan with the same reading habits I had as a child and that is why I am going to share the books I read as a child. Honest to god, these are the books I've had since I was a wee lassie. These books are probably older than most of you Menewshans out there I hope he doesn't end up doing anything gross to them... on second thought...
Link or image/text:
I have completed a MIND task!
Description:when thinking about how to go about painting a masterpiece of my dear little xan, i immediately thought of Munch's Scream painting and how much xan would be a prime candidate in any screaming contest! TA DA! *painted with acrylics*
Click on thumbnail for full view
Link or image/text:

Spirit: 14 Points

Originally Posted by Linnea View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: What's safer than a 100% authentic Maine made milk crate? It's the perfect size to keep Xan safe no matter where we go or what we do. I can do my work and know that Xan is always safe! It's fully equipped with some toys (Bender doll, a tiny My Little Pony, and a tiny Rory Williams from Doctor Who) and a monkey brace who keeps Xan sturdy, even a blanket should he get a bit chilly.
Link or image/text:
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Today i took Xan on a field trip to a very exotic location indeed! all the children are kept in rooms where they are forced to think allllll day! there were long hallways and group bathrooms and weird food slapped on trays for group eating, this place was as noisy as a zoo, all kinds of animal noises and stampedes... so that's what it was... a kid zoo!! so many kids of different sizes and colors. we finally found a nice quiet place to take this souvenir picture for xan... but, wait a minute...who closed that door?... oh no... *jiggles door handle anxiously*... O_O
Link or image/text:




Body: 10 points

Originally Posted by Naisou View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: It's ALIVE!!!!!! After much pain baby Xan has finally been born.....made....crocheted.... lolz
Link or image/text: Xan's cute,

Mind: 4 points

Originally Posted by Naisou View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: While books are not in slim supply at my house (there are also 2 more bookshelves not pictured..) Xan has picked out his very favorites to share with you. The Uncle Remus tales being especially loved, since Xan sees a lot of himself in the mischievous Br'er Rabbit.
Link or image/text:

Spirit: 18 points
Originally Posted by Naisou View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Xan decided to draw himself swimming with his favorite ocean critters. Including a cuttlefish (he has followed in his mothers shadow with his love of cephalopods, mine being the octopus), a shark, and I believe a lobster. He is very excited to show you all his masterpiece. :)
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Originally Posted by Naisou View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Xan's best buddy Moose also doubles as a babysitter....(If they don't get up to mischief together that is..) Surrounded by his stuffed animals, minion toy, and his real life cuddle buddy Xan is ready to relax.
Link or image/text:

We're good momma....promise....
We not doing nuthin.....

You don't trust me?! Rude...
Originally Posted by Naisou View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Xan loves heading out for hikes with his buddy, especially when he gets carried around. Not many flowers are growing just yet, but Moose's nose searched some out, and possibly a cat...Although, when Xan's ride gets too enthusiastic over wildlife Xan gets a little ill...But Xan's love for adventure perseveres.
Link or image/text:

Xan: Pretty Flowerz
Moose: ....there was a cat here....

Xan: ARrrGGHHH!! I have nothing to hold on toooo!!!!!
Click on thumbnail for full view




Body: 14 points awarded!
Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
Alright let's do this.

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Woot! Energetic is mah middle name!
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Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: A super dark chocolate with strawberry center and garnish.
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Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Xan's Lunchtime!
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Mind: 12 points awarded!*
Note: 10 pt Mind puzzle not yet scored.
Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: The beginning of the machine looks like one simple pendulum. However, once started it sets up a vast systems of weights and pulls leading from babies room straight to the kitchen via the duct work so mommy won't find out. Once the first pendulum is light the string is easily removed. Thus making naughty snacking all to easy.

Where baby got the candle, matches and replacement string...that's a long story.
Link or image/text:

---------- Post added 02-16-2017 at 02:49 AM ----------

Thanks Hummy. <3

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Sporty and a book worm?! Say whaaaa?
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Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: A Bootyful monster's sprkly in RL cuz I painted it with nail polish. XD
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Proper reading material. Now, you might think more than one of these are to advanced for a toddler but at 3-4 they are sponges. Before kindergarten/preschool learning sets the pace for a much easier time in grade school.
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Spirit: 6 points awarded!
Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I live for excess for all things. Happiness the most important.
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Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: While mommy was drawing Xan's portrait, Xan made their own self my coloring book.
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Precarious Fool


Body: 12 points awarded!
Originally Posted by Precarious Fool View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Baby Xan! Made from old basketball shorts and plastic baggies, because recycling is good for the environment. Also had a lot of input from the 4 year old, since she has been wanting a baby brother. XD She put on the heart.
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Originally Posted by Precarious Fool View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: As an aerobics instructor, I am the very picture of cliche housewife and fit.
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Mind: 12 points awarded!
Originally Posted by Precarious Fool View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Lots of good books for kids. Especially the Old Lady Who Swallowed the Fly. My child likes that because she dies in the end.
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Originally Posted by Precarious Fool View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: WHo is more intellectual than a wizard? No one! I put all my points into intelligence.
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: I HAVE CREATED ART! <3 I've recreated The Creation of Adam, where Xan is on a floating plate of sketti & meatballs and reaching out to a llama with some rock hard abs. Since it is art of a child, I've used modesty leaves.

Medium: It was done in MS Paint on a crappy laptop using the touchpad.
Link or image/text:

This is probs worth like, 100 points.

Spirit: 12 points awarded!
Originally Posted by Precarious Fool View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: A cozy, safe place for a baby to unwind! A crib is the best and look at that super trendy blanket.
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I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: "Xan" dreew himself writing the best animal in the world, a Llama. It's a masterpiece, for sure.
Link or image/text:




Body: 2 points

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) "I am the very picture of health and fitness." -- Every spring and summer, you can find me in the local park playing softball with friends! :)
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Mind: 2 points

I have completed a MIND task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) "I am stimulated by intellectual pursuits." -- Lifelong learning is an essential component of the medical field. A physician, for example, must be academically driven to complete four years of college and four years of medical school, go through residency, conducting clinical and scientific research in their free time, and so much more... but they love it! They enjoy keeping up with the latest scientific discoveries, listening to their patients' stories, and figuring out how best to approach the most difficult diseases.
Link or image/text:
Spirit: 2 points

I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. )
"I have everything I need to live a full, happy life." -- Here, I depict one of my recent travels on a cruise ship to Alaska :) I would love to take baby Xan with me on my travels to see the world, which is one of the things I really enjoy. You can see a beautiful view of the Alaskan glaciers outside the window. I love nature, as you can also see from my watering a flower. Additionally, music and art are very fulfilling in my life. So, while on the cruise, I listen to music while painting a picture of the ice-topped peaks. And of course, I have my favorite cow plushie with me to cuddle. :)
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Body: 12 Points

Originally Posted by Shadami View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: An apple a day keeps the doctor away and the dentist happy.
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I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Crochet Baby Xan, complete with a soft Valentine heart.
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Mind: 6 Points

Originally Posted by Shadami View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: "I am stimulated by intellectual pursuits." The library is the best place to go. So many books, so little time. Such amazing adventures can be had.
Link or image/text:
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Baby Xan thought the bookshelf was to big, so he went for the delightful Dr.Seuss books on the bottom shelf to read.
Link or image/text:
Spirit: 26 points!
Originally Posted by Shadami View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I don't know if this will count? But I wanted to share it regardless, I was planning to get a video clip once I actually finished making Baby Xan. xD But I thought this was to special a moment not to share.
Link or image/text:
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: A baby sized rocking chair that baby Xan can be strapped in so he can continue enjoying my company and maybe get a nice nap even when I have to be in dangerous places like the kitchen with all its silverware and hot stoves. It's a portable safe haven and when you turn it on it makes soothing vibrations :D
Link or image/text:
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: What place is more exotic for a female and her baby Xan, than a majorly testosterone filled man cave of a competitive magic the gathering card tournament site? Baby Xan is being well looked after and is perfectly safe atop his stool. He enjoyed watching the various games that were going on around him.
Link or image/text:

also he wanted to show off his butt to everyone that would look there. so that he could show he's got butt crack showing like the rest of them. :3
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I've got everything I need. A smoking hot tan long haired, 6 packed guy to make a family with. a nice computer office space, some drinkage and so many lovely lovely potatoes. mmmm potatoes.
Link or image/text:




Body: 10 points awarded!
Originally Posted by SuperZombiePotatoe View Post
Okay so here we go... for Xan!!

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Here's my Xan made out of prestik and toothpicks, with extra help from some markers =3
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Mind: 4 points awarded!
Originally Posted by SuperZombiePotatoe View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Pretty kid friendly and some of them classics, these books can teach Xan valuably life lessons as well as entertain! :D
Link or image/text:

Spirit: 18 points awarded!
Originally Posted by SuperZombiePotatoe View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Here's Xan all comfy in his cot! He's got his stuffies, a warm blankie to sit on and snuggle with and a sippy cup with juice for when he gets thirsty. Totes safe o3o
Link or image/text:

I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: What's more exotic than a safari in South Africa. Look, Xan! And African wild cat :D
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I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Xan calls it "Intestines are mushy, but still fun!" Eheh O.o
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Body: 8 points

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Xan is sick with a rash!
Link or image/text:

I first noticed this strange rash appear on Xan when I was giving him a bath. He's beautiful blue skin was blemished by a rather sore looking bumpy rash that spread from his lower back to his right shoulder. At first he wasn't acting like it bothered him, so I simply treated with rash ointment and put him to bed. Later that night, Xan began to become very irritable and refused to sleep. I decided to take another peek at the rash and see if it had gotten any better or had became worse. It was much worse! The rash now covered his entire back and shoulders and looked like tiny bumpy bug bites. I panicked at first, but then my motherly instinct kicked in. First I felt the rash, it was hot against my skin so I quickly ran and got a cold washcloth and placed it against the bumps. Immediately, Xan relaxed a little, but the fight wasn't over. He was still fussy and angry and acted as though it was my fault... And of course being a loving parent I did blame myself. What was this rash? Why did he have it? Did I do something wrong? I must have!
I knew the rash was irritated and most likely itchy and bothersome because it was unpleasantly hot to the touch, but it had appeared out of nowhere! Next I began noticing Xan's back had began to splotch and swell as well. What in the world was happening to my poor baby!? As a quick way to provide some more temporary relief to Baby Xan, I rubbed in more ointment followed by soothing aloe lotion to help relieve the obvious signs of itching. Afterwards I placed another cool washcloth over the rash and afterwards, Xan settled down and was able to get some sleep. I tried to sleep, but as a worried mother I couldn't help but wonder what could possibly be wrong with my Xan. Then it dawned on me! He had managed to fall, back first, into some spilled laundry detergent I had just bought. It was very possible that my baby was allergic to that specific detergent!
Excited that I potentially discovered the reason for his rash, I knew the only way to find out for sure was to test the theory..
A few days passed and the rash cleared right now, but I was still determined to know if it was the detergent or not, so I dabbed a small amount of it on the back of Xan's hand. And sure enough, not long after he broke out in that same spot. Did I feel awful for having to experiment and put him through the rash again? Yep. But I was also satisfied that I discovered something he was allergic to!
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: I am the picture of health and fitness when I display was dedication to physical fitness. Starting the day with a nice jog is a great way to stay in shape and be a role model for a growing boy!
Link or image/text:
Mind: 8 points

I have completed a MIND task!
Description:A Masterpiece Portrait! Muah! XD
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I have completed a MIND task!
Description: I am stimulated by intellectual pursuits - After a nice jog, I like to show Xan that a good way to relax and wind down is by getting into a good book. reading is a great way to expand the brain and keep it working. Whether it expands the imagination or adds new facts, reading is a great way to stimulate intellectual pursuits!
Link or image/text:
Spirit: 6 points

I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I have everything I need.
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I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Xan's art! I was supportive and told him it was nice even though he explained to me that it was him setting a trap for me. I'm not sure I like how me views me though...
Link or image/text:




Body: 14 points

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: 3d Xan! Isn't he adorbs? :3

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: Everyday life with Xan can get tiring, he just has too much energy!
Mind: 6 points

I have completed a MIND task!
Description: Xan's self portrait...with Yan? Xan is so sweet~
Spirit: 14 points

I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: Xan's exploration has lead him to palm trees and almost sunsets! And of course he's always thinking of wish. :3

I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description:Xan sleeps on clouds with his pet kitty~ and of course his green night light to keep the monsters away.




Body: 30 points awarded!
Originally Posted by Xogizmoox View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) Here is both of my boys ^.^
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Originally Posted by Xogizmoox View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) Oh no Xans sick :(
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I left Yan and Xan playing in the playroom and ran into the kitchen to make lunch and take a phone call. Not even ten minutes later I hear crying. I dropped the phone ran into the playroom to check out the situation. I find Xan screaming and Yan staring at him. I picked up Xan and realize he was covered in tiny red polka dots and was a little warm and of course the screaming. What can be the matter??? I got out the thermometer and checked his temperature. It was normal. I then thought maybe he could use a diaper change. All looked good there. Then I was thinking maybe he's hungry. I took both boys to the kitchen, put them in the high chairs and fed them. That seamed to calm him down. SOMEWHAT. Now about the spots, and the warmness since he wasn't running a fever. Since they made a mess with lunch I figured it was bath time. That may also cool him off. Ran the water put the rubber duckies in the tub along with the two kids. I took the baby soap and started washing the two up, and then that is the moment I found out what the spots was. As I was washing up Xans face the spots of the rash start disappearing. How odd I thought. I then realized it must be some kind of skin thing, he is blue after all. I then tried to call Miss Belly because well maybe she knew what it was. No answer..... Well I got the boys out of the tub started drying them off and they took off running around butt nakid. Boys will be boys oh my lol. I chased the two down, then got them dressed. Went into the playroom so we could clean up all the toys and BOOM WTH?!!? # There was a (masterpiece) on the wall. Marker doodles everywhere. O. O Oh my word, I stood there in shock. Yan pointed to the wall. Pretty pictures mommy. Yes very pretty son. OK OK so I put two and two together, Yan did you draw on Xans face with markers? Yes mommy he was par-tendended to be a leo-pared kitties. I was not said Xan. I hate marker on my face. Taadaa the answer to the spots and the guilty culprit. Ok first off no drawing on the walls or our brothers face. Now we need to get these toys picked up because it is time for bed. But mommy you don't like our purdy pictures we draweded you. Yes I love them but next time let's draw them on paper OK. Yes mommy. I will however leave that one on the wall for now till I get around to painting or well you know what this playroom could use some art, just no more than that on the wall itself.

I have completed a BODY task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) I am the very picture of health and fitness, it takes lots of energy to go on adventures together ^.^
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Originally Posted by Xogizmoox View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) The adventures of Yan and Xan (1) Xan is a messy eater throwing food all about (2) The boy got into mommy's clothes and makeup and decided to play dress up (3) Xan trys to yoyo (4) Xan picks mommy some flowers but out of my pots (5) The boys all tuckered out with panties on their heads and chocolate bars
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Originally Posted by Xogizmoox View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) Finally done with my mini Xan and Yan mini cakes, they are in hooded bear onsies (I had to use a bear mold and gosh darn it they broke my mold too) :(
Link or image/text:

Mind: 12 points awarded!*
Originally Posted by Xogizmoox View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) Mommy made a feltwork photo of the boys being boys with panties on their heads ^.^
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Originally Posted by Xogizmoox View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) Reading and learning stimulates the mind ^.^
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Originally Posted by Xogizmoox View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) Story time ^.^
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Originally Posted by Xogizmoox View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) Can Xan get the cookies -puzzle- Follow the blue arrows on the floor to get the cookies, pick wrong color arrows get nothing / or broccoli
Yan got broccoli.... What will Xan get???
Link or image/text:
*Note: Points not processed for the 10-pt Mind task yet (we may score it on a curve - waiting to see the complexity level of other entries before we judge.)

Spirit: 20 points awarded!
Originally Posted by Xogizmoox View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) Here is Xans drawing - artwork of him and Yan catching Pokemon
Link or image/text:
Originally Posted by Xogizmoox View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) I have everything that I need, all I need is love love love is all I need..... And maybe some toys too ^.^
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Originally Posted by Xogizmoox View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) Well after reading the dinosaur book the boys wanted to visit the land of the dinosaurs and our museum is too expensive for mommy's wallet so we went to visit the dinosaurs realitives the turtles ^.^
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Originally Posted by Xogizmoox View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. ) Time to relax on the Shrek Blankie Yans reading his tiny little book to Xan and what else do I see o. O I did not give y'all that candy bar >.< Y'all making mommy look bad in front of Miss Belly
Link or image/text:
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: ( describe your entry if needed. )Mommy can't film videos; ( but I wanted to share our precious moments together with you so I made a collage of our precious moment we had.... I taught the boys how to play Pokemon Go, Xan wants to catch the blue Pokemon in the photo (He says it looks like him and it must be a XantaCHU), Yan wants Pokemon panties o. O, Mommy made Yan and Xan masks too (well I had to use blue filter on one because I have no blue paper) Maybe I can get some bonus points or part of the video points (Gizzie must complete them all lol) Oh and I included a musical clip to add to our moment ^.^
Link or image/text:




Body: 10 points awarded!
Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
I have completed a BODY task!
Description: I crafted a Baby Xan!
I made home made play dough to make this entry then I baked my baby in the oven! *gasp*
Recipe | Baking Instructions
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Mind: 6 points awarded!
Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
I have completed a MIND task!
Description: I have created a masterpiece portrait of my Baby Xan!
Of course he's always getting in trouble so that's how I depicted him. XD
Link or image/text:

Spirit: 14 points awarded!
Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I made a baby-proof space for my Baby Xan! A cozy corner of fuzzy stuffed animals (with no button eyes, tags, or otherwise unsafe objects for baby) and a fluffy pink blankie to keep him warm!
Link or image/text:
Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
I have completed a SPIRIT task!
Description: I took mah bebeh to an exotic location AKA Times Square, NYC. He wanted to see "the big apple" and was pretty disappointed that there wasn't actually a giant apple.
Link or image/text:


( This spot could be yours! :3 )





Last edited by Captain Howdy; 02-20-2017 at 05:43 AM..