Thread: Baby, Be Mine
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Old 02-16-2017, 03:29 AM

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
So I made a cute beaded phone charm of Xan for the 3d entry, but the thread didn't hold. I must have missed a loop somewhere, or it just wasn't the right strength for it. It was tricky to do without a pattern T.T Now I have beads everywhere and I'm traumatized by the loss of the baby.

I tried salvaging part of it to see if it was an easy fix, but nope. Maybe my RL kid will let me borrow some of her sculptie she just bought to make pokemon figures. I'm going to take a few pictures. Maybe have a wake in the snow for my out side Entry. T.T
oh no :( I'm sorry! Sounds like it woulda been neat if it held.