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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-17-2017, 02:56 AM

Ahhhhh I'm so sad and happy you guys did that scene.... Favorite movie. <3 And that might be the first song we dance to at my wedding! Masks....of course...... ;) ;) Nice job on Sarah and Toby!


Tale as Old as Time

Username: Woodlandnymph
Image of My Entry:
Description: The Beast, a.k.a. Prince Adam was skeptical about a blind date, but Lumiere and Mrs. Potts inSISTed that she was just his type... Eventually he acquiesced and got all gussied up. The Beast came down the stairs, hesitantly approaching the ballroom. There was a flash of gold. A...grunt? He rounded the corner and saw her, or rather, saw a lump crouched on the ground, her hairy leg going a mile a minute as she scratched her side and emitted a low grunt of pleasure. He coughed into his paw. "Oh!" She shot up...."I didn't expect hope you didn't see my underroos. How embarrassing. I do apologize!"

Mrs. Potts looked on with tears in her eyes and started to sing. "Tail as old as time..."

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 02-17-2017 at 03:42 AM..