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DaisyKeehl is offline
Old 02-22-2017, 03:15 PM

I don't necessarily think you need to have some deep meaning for a tattoo, of course it is awesome if you do, just not needed.

I have 5 so far, and plan to get so many more! As far as meaningful, I guess you could say mine are more fandom/aesthetic and barely have any meaning attached.

This is Napstablook (Dapperblook) from Undertale! It was my very first tattoo, and I got it from Xavier Alvarez when he was at the Baltimore Tattoo Con 2016. I got it because it was the most relatable character in the game. I thought it would also look good in his style. This is by far my largest tattoo so far, and my first, haha.

This is a tiny angry cloud I got the same day as my first, by Sue. I was a part of a huge friend group at the time, and they would call me tiny angry/smol angry. I saw it, thought of the nickname, and got it! Needless to say, I am no longer friends with those people, but I still love the tattoo. A tiny memory, and a cute tattoo.

This is Sans from Undertale. I got it because I loved the flash designed posted. I also love the parallel between these two things. It has gotten me into some very interesting conversations about them. If you know the game, which I won't spoil here, you know just how much our decisions change our timeline drastically-- tis is life. I love this tattoo, though I have to get one touched up.

This is my most recent tattoo- a gemstone terrarium. I got it because i love the aesthetic of terrariums, and the thought of having a mini ecosystem. I saw many people drawing floating islands, and thought "hey, that wouldn't make a half bad tattoo"! I printed off some refs, and gemstones that mean a lot to me, and just let him choose. I am pretty happy with it.

I do have some meaningful tattoo's planned for the future, but for now, I think the most meaningful one is going to be my mother/daughter tattoo coming up! We are getting our Chinese zodiacs tattooed together-- a snake protecting a rat. We want to keep our culture alive, so we thought it would be a perfect way to do so, and bond.

Hope you love your new tattoo!!