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Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 03-25-2017, 07:23 PM

Nova_Alchemist: that's fine. I was waiting for you to get on today, i have to leave for work in about 45 minutes or so. Depends on the weather but I probably won't care either way. I hope it storms tonight over here, we can get more stuff done if it does. I hope it's a bad one too lol We have tags, which means I will get home around 12-1am. I may or may not get on to do a post, that depends on my sleep. I have work the next morning at 9am so I probably will have to get up about 8-8:30am. I am trying NOT to go in so early.

Sasuke shook his head "I think I'll stay here tonight, to make sure you stay safe after all that. I don't want to find out the next day that Itachi showed up just to kidnap you." That was an excuse he used, if he used his brother has a reason it no one seemed to question it. With that he sat in the chair once more staring out the window over the bed watching over her while she would soon sleep.

Ahna would have slept the rest of the night if it wasn't for the nightmare she had...

Ahna watched as she tried to protect team seven in battle, Sakura was the first one to go after Itachi protected her. Sasuke tried protecting Silver but failed losing his life as well and Silver was in that line up. Just as Kakashi was running in to attack, something hit him and Ahna realized it wasn't an enemy. There was a form of pure energy in the shape of a female whom she knew as herself. This made her freeze in the dream watching Kakashi fall to the ground as the pure energy form grinned. There was no mouth or eyes to show the expression, but she knew a grin or smirk when she saw one.

Ahna sat up quickly as well as quietly from her nightmare, her heart was beating faster and faster. Looking around she had seen this room before, but it wasn't what she expected. She expected to be in a hospital not in...a room in Kakashi's house. Ahna slowly climbed out of bed making her way to another bedroom, she had to make sure just so she could be relieved to sleep again; holding onto the wall she found another room. It was his room where he was sleeping contently at or so it seemed. Ahna went over not caring if it was too early to do so but sat on his bed more than half asleep watching him. She gently brushed his face with her hand as a tear slid down, he was okay which meant the others were okay.

Ahna sneaked into his bed sliding under the covers and laid down next to him. She was more at peace knowing he would be next to her side than alone in another room which she wouldn't know if anything would happen or not. Snuggling into him she fell back to sleep with ease spending the rest of the night with peaceful thoughts.