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Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-27-2017, 07:44 PM

Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday was a bit of an annoying day in terms of work. My supervisor left early and the intern decided he just couldn’t be bothered to do any work after that. He chit chatted with the IT guy for like an hour. Then with the sales director for like an hour. Then I got fed up and asked him to print some articles for me and so he stood in front of the printer watching it print while texting. Then he disappeared into the bathroom for an hour. And then after that he stood in the back of the office blatantly texting on his phone for the last hour. It really irked me that he doesn’t even seem to be bothered in the least by how obvious he’s being about not working. It really felt like a lack of respect but there’s not much I can do because he doesn’t really listen to me, only my boss. :/

After that I headed home and rushed around to do my laundry and then FINALLY GOT TO PLAY SOME SWTOR!!! It felt really good to get back into playing that game. I got tired pretty quickly though and ended up having to go to be after only a short while.

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I’m too tired to respond to this one today.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

I really wanted to sleep in a bit today after getting to bed late pretty much every day this week but my body had other plans. I slept pretty crappy and ended up getting up around 8:30am. I was planning on getting some stuff done but totally ended up getting sucked into playing SWTOR pretty much all day. I did call and talk to my mom for a few minutes though which was nice.

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Waffles aren’t my favorite thing but they’re pretty yummy! I don’t have a waffle machine to make my own but when I have waffles I like to eat them with maple syrup and ice cream and strawberries.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

So I realized right before bed last night that my ebook was going to expire today so I had a mad rush of reading in the morning to try to finish it before the deadline. After that I rushed around to get ready and head out to meet a friend for ice skating. The ice was pretty crappy but at least there were less people than last time I was there (probably because the weather was also crappier than last time, lol).

Afterwards we ended up going to a friend’s house to play board games. We played a round of Catan then ordered some food and played Trivial Pursuit until nearly midnight. I sucked so bad at it. I mean I suck a Trivial Pursuit in general but this one was a French edition so I sucked all the more. I’m going to be so tired tomorrow after staying up late again. @_@

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Today is Sunday, lol.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Today was not a good day. I ended up getting to bed last night around 1:30am. I woke up at 3:30am shaking and nauseous which was not fun at all. I brought the garbage over to the bed and rearranged the pillows/blankets so I could try to sleep sitting up but it took me quite a while to fall back asleep. Then I got woken up at 6:00am by the neighbor who decided that it was totally acceptable to blast the news on his stereo at max volume at that ungodly hour and it took me forever to go back to sleep. I set my alarms back to try to get a few more minutes of sleep but that didn’t really help and I woke up feeling awful and ended up calling in for the morning half of the day. I sent a bunch of emails with instructions to my coworkers to see if they could cover some of my work and then went back to sleep for a bit. I woke up feeling a bit better but still pretty crappy but unfortunately still had to go into work because I had two deadlines I couldn’t miss today. *sigh* I’ve only got about an hour of the day left to go, hopefully it will go by quickly and then I can head home and crawl back into bed.

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I think we should celebrate zigglesday. On zigglesday people will dress up in silly outfits and greet each other with silly greetings. They will play with kitties and there will be lots of birthday cake flavored delicacies to be had all around.