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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-12-2017, 02:39 PM

Friday, April 7, 2017

Today was a bit crazy. I got to work and first thing in the morning there was a huge emergency to take care of for an event. I worked on it pretty much all day only to find out in the afternoon that there was a misunderstanding and in fact we would have to cancel everything we did. :< After that I didn’t really feel much like working and putzed away the rest of the day. After work I headed to the bar to meet with a friend and some of his friends. After that we headed to a Korean Barbeque place that was suuuuper yummy. A nice start to the weekend!

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Eh, politics really isn’t my thing. I have honestly been trying not to follow the Trump presidency too much because honestly it just depresses me. -_-

Saturday, April 8, 2017

I didn’t sleep well last night and ended up waking up early. I played some SWTOR for a bit, had breakfast, did laundry, ate lunch, watched a bit of Netflix and made some madelaines. I wanted to take a nap after that but didn’t end up doing so and played some SWTOR until bedtime. It was a pretty chill day.

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My room is basically everything, the bedroom/living room/office/bathroom/kitchen all in one. XP I live in a very tiny studio (think dorm room size) and space is pretty cramped but I am happy to have a place to myself after all the other horror stories I’ve had with room mates in the past. I took some pictures after I moved in, I wonder if I still have them somewhere…

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Today I got off my bum and finally went for a jog! I’m sure if I mentioned that I’m on a diet. I felt super out of shape but accomplished for doing it. Once I got back to my place I sat down outside and soaked in the sun. It felt sooo good! I was supposed to go to the Botanical Gardens with my coworker and her parents but the ended up changing plans so I stayed home and got some groceries and tried cooking some bokimbap. I didn’t mean to but I made A LOT. I’m going to have to freeze some, lol! I was so tuckered out from all the cooking that I decided to take a short nap and set an alarm only I accidently set it for 6:00am instead of 6:00pm and ended up sleeping for 2 hours instead of 30 minutes. Oops… In the evening I played a bit more SWTOR and then headed to bed.

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Eh, I’m not usually one to get up on my soapbox, it’s just not my thing. Once in a while I’ll have a moment like that but usually it’s just complaining about something to a friend, lol!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Today I was pretty sore from my jog yesterday. It was super nice here today, I’m so happy for some nice weather after all of the rain we’ve been getting. On my lunch break I went to an Asian grocery store nearby and finally managed to find some mirin to up my Japanese omelet game. I also got some Totoro stickers because they were cheap and who can resist Totoro? After work I was supposed to have a meet and greet with a catsitter but she had to cancel so I ended up playing some SWTOR instead since the XP event is almost over. It was fun to play a character I don’t often play.

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I think this could be a good sentiment for me. Things have been kind of all over the place in my life and emotions have been high lately so it would be nice if I can try to get everything evened out so there will be no more tears. At least with the weather starting to look up that helps because depressing weather always puts me in a sad mood as well.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The weather was sooo nice today! It was 70+ today and I got to wear a dress! I didn’t even really need a jacket! It felt so nice to be able to go out without all that heavy winter wear. On my lunch break I went to Sephora to get a few things. It had been a while since I’d been there and it was fun to try the new products. The rest of the day went pretty slowly. After work myself and a couple of coworkers and a friend went to a networking party at the bank down the street. It was pretty boring to be honest and the food was not very good. I had some train issues afterwards trying to get home but I managed to go to a different station and get a train. I skyped with a friend for a bit, did some work here on the site, and got to bed a bit late. ^^;

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N is for nice weather! I’m so happy spring is finally starting to show its face.