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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-13-2017, 05:54 PM

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Today was another relatively nice weather day. Nothing noteworthy really happened at work. I went to return something to a store on my lunch break and left work relatively on time. I stopped at the store and got a couple groceries and made a chicken caesar salad wrap for dinner which was pretty yummy. After that I did the dishes and played some SWTOR until bed. I played my gunslinger again which was pretty fun and finally got my spaceship!

• • •

I could talk about this topic for a while, lol! Most mornings I wear moisturizer, BB cream, foundation, blush, mascara, and tinted chapstick as my go tos. On days when I'm feeling like a bit more I'll wear eyeshadow or eyeliner or lipstick but usually I don't have time for that since I'm often running late in the mornings, lol!