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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-18-2017, 04:00 PM

Monday, April 17, 2017

Today was a very up and down sort of day. I didn’t sleep well at all and woke up feeling like crap. I arrived at work and didn’t remember that we had a new person starting today. :/ The boss arrived and started yelling. She was in a bad mood and looking for a victim so I did my best to keep my head down and do my work. After work I headed home and met with a new catsitter lady. She isn’t as outgoing as the last one but I hope things will work better with her. I was happy at least that Yuna didn’t hide and let the lady pet her. After she left I tried to put up the new window cat bed I got for Yuna but one of the suction cups wouldn’t stick so I’m going to send it back and get a different one. I had a chicken Caesar salad wrap for dinner and skyped with a friend to see what we could do to salvage our friendship. Needless to say it wasn’t a very fun conversation and I spent most of the night crying. I guess only time will tell if we can pick up the shambles we’re left with or if things will just keep falling through the cracks. -_-

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Bunny day! I didn’t really do anything special for bunny day besides going out to brunch. I did dress up in a pretty dress, though I ended up taking it off a few hours later to change into something more comfortable. It was kind of lonely for me to be honest. Holidays tend to make me remember how I live away from my family and it makes me feel very alone.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Today has not been a good day. I didn’t sleep well and woke up with a migraine that I haven’t been able to get rid of. I’ve been feeling down and depressy after my skype conversation last night and I just want to go home and go to bed. I already made plans though to go out with my coworker and her family tonight. They rescheduled plans to make time to visit me and will be going back to France soon so I can’t really cancel unfortunately. Hopefully my headache will go away after a second round of painkillers and more water. I guess at the very least going out to dinner will be yummy and hopefully take my mind away from how sad and lonely I feel at least for a little while.

• • •

I have been trying to do new and different things lately, going out and socializing more, being more flexible with my schedule, trying new foods, and doing new things. The last thing I tried was Korean barbeque place. That was sooo yummy!