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dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 05-03-2017, 08:41 AM

Username: Bearzy
Symptoms: There are two stages to being non-fatally poisoned by the giant spyderworm of planet AL2944. The first of these is a state of Delirium which lasts up to three hours and which often manifests in the victim becoming too hot and removing their clothes but can also cause delusions of grandeur and/or a return to childlike wonder at the world. The second stage is power vomiting. It's gonna be flourescent and it's going to be everywhere. The upside to the vomiting is that it purges the victim's system and will snap them out of their delirium. The downside (if you are the victim) is that unlike alcohol, spyderworm poison almost never causes anybody to forget what they did while in their delirious state. Good luck!