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Old 05-08-2017, 03:22 PM

Monday, May 1, 2017

I had a really hard time sleeping last night. I decided to try a flatter pillow to see if that would help with my neck/headaches and surprisingly it did seem to help a bit. Work was super busy but surprisingly rather calm which was nice. I went to The Body Shop during my lunch break and got some hand lotion. It was nice to get out of the office. Unfortunately when I got home I ended up having another massive headache. I lay down for a bit then finally got up and made some dinner and tried to poke around the event for a bit until bedtime.

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I would say my first love was definitely my first kitty. I had wanted a cat for foreverrr and when my mom finally let me get one I was totally in heaven.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Today was a really good day! This morning my kitty Yuna finally disovered the window bed I got for her! She was up there allll morning! I was so happy to see her enjoying the sun and watching the birds outside for the first time since I moved into this new apartment. I went out on my lunch break and got some apples from a fruit stand. It was nice to soak up a bit of sun, even if it was just for a couple minutes. This evening I bought some tickets for a Hans Zimmer concert in July. I can’t wait!!! He’s my favorite composer ever and I’ve never gotten to see him live before. It’s going to be amazing! After that I did a bunch of mene stuff and then headed to bed. I don’t know why but I just felt really good today, much more upbeat than I have been lately, which was a nice change. I really hope this means I’m on an upswing!

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My last treat was today actually. We had a mini party here at work with a fruit tart and champagne. It was nice to have a short break in the middle of the day to eat/drink some goodies.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

This morning I had a really hard time waking up. My alarm went off for a long time before I managed to shut it down and get up. I felt super tired all day too and just couldn’t focus at all. On top of that my coworker yelled at me for something that I really had nothing to do with and it really pissed me off. Just not a good day overall. I was so happy to finally go home at the end of the day but it took extra long because of train delays and I wasn’t able to do my laundry like I was planning to so I just got on Mene and did some updates and things and went to bed.

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Hm, I would say that I have been feeling more adventurous this year than previous years. I guess maybe I am feeling more like you only live once so you might as well try different things right? I spent so long with my ex who wasn’t adventurous at all so now I am trying to get out more and do more things. It doesn’t always end up as planned but I’ve had some fun experiences so far!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Today was another bad morning. I got woken up by the neighbors slamming the door four times in a row starting at 6:20am. Finally I got fed up and went over there to talk to them. It’s ridiculous that they think that’s even remotely acceptable. Hopefully they will listen and stop slamming the door all the time. If not I will report them to management again and hope that something gets done about it because this really can’t continue. They wake me up early almost every morning!

On my lunch break I went out to get tortilla wraps because I had brought materials for a salad wrap but forgot the actual wraps. I also went to Starbucks to get a coffee because I was feeling pretty sleepy after getting woken up so early this morning. Work was pretty busy again. We’re preparing for a tradeshow this weekend so there’s a lot to do. This evening I got home in time to do my laundry so I did that and then roleplayed getting a kitty for the Howl’s Moving Castle thread which was fun. Between work and the mene event I’m exhausted, I can’t wait for the weekend!

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Right now I’m imaging a world where my apartment is actually quiet. Where assholes don’t slam the door all morning noon and night, and other assholes don’t think my windowsill is their hangout/chat spot, or that the parking spot out front shouldn’t be their personal disco, etc. etc. Wouldn’t that be nice?!

Friday, May 5, 2017

This morning I weighed myself and was happy to see that I’ve lost another pound! I’ll be at my goal weight in no time! The weather today was miserable though. It poured all day and I got completely soaked. So not fun. Work was super busy getting all the last minute things ready for the tradeshow and everything was really up in the air until the last minute. I was sooo happy when the day was over and I could finally start the weekend!!! I had some pizza and beer and played SWTOR with a friend. I played my first PVP matches which was interesting! I’m not sure I’m crazy about it but at least it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. After that I read a bit and then conked out.

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I’ve had a few vivid dreams lately. One was about the house of my grandmother who passed away and how I was apparently going to move into it and was like trying to organize her things and move mine in without changing too much. Another one had to do with two of my French friends who came to visit.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Today was a pretty chill day. I didn’t get to sleep in as late as I was hoping but I got up and got some stuff done in the morning and then chilled for a while in the afternoon. I played a bit of Pokemon Sun and went for a long walk and picked up some wine. Afterwards I played around with my Pokemon TCG cards and made three new decks. I had a lot of fun playing with my cards again. It’s been forever since I really went through my collection. After that I played a bit of SWTOR and then ate Chinese food and watched Netflix with my boyfriend which was nice and then headed to bed. I really needed a chill day.

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To be honest I don’t follow space news very much. I can’t imagine though the bravery of the astronauts who go out in space not knowing what awaits them. It’s really amazing when you think about it.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Today was another chill day. I lounged around in bed for a while then finally got up and took a shower and made some lunch. I played some Pokemon TCG with my boyfriend using the new decks I made which was fun. I won but not by much. ^_^ After that I played The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild which my boyfriend got for me. I was a bit hesitant about the game because I heard it was pretty hard. And wow is that so true, lol! I ended up dying quite a few times in the beginning. It is very different from the previous games but it’s starting to grow on me!

I finally stopped playing around 8:00pm and tried to get some stuff done (dishes, ironing, etc.) then played a bit of SWTOR with my friend. The guild was doing a world boss hunt so I participated in that and then got ready for bed. I’m so not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow… Why do the weekends have to be so short?!

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Q is for…quesadilla! IDK, that was the first thing I thought of, lol! I was thinking I should make some cheesy chicken quesadillas again sometime soon. It’s been a while since I’ve had those.