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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-10-2017, 07:39 PM

Monday, May 8, 2017

I did not have a good morning today. I woke up with a mega headache that made it super difficult to function and felt a bit sick/sniffly all day. Work was pretty busy trying to take care of everything from the two tradeshows we had recently and prepare for another one at the same time. I had some train issues getting home but finally got there. I was planning on trying to get some stuff done but ended up having an argument with my friend which completely sapped any inspiration I might have had so I gave up and played a few minutes of Zelda before bed. I finally managed to get my doublet so I can head up into the mountains! It should be interesting to finally explore up there.

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My boyfriend recently got me the new Zelda game which was really sweet of him! I have been quite enjoying it so far even if it is quite difficult compared to the previous titles.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Today was not a good day. I ended up getting to bed late last night and then woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep because I was thinking about the argument I had with my friend last night. I got ready for work and headed to the train station only to realize that there was no electricity so the trains weren’t running. I went back outside and took a bus to go to another station but stupidly followed some people off at the wrong stop and had to walk 15 minutes. Finally I got there and was waiting for the number 5 train. After 10 minutes of waiting and 2 number 2 trains went by I realized that I was sitting on the wrong side of the tracks and had to leave the station and enter from the other side. Only I had just used my card so it wouldn’t let me back in and I had to ask the station attendant to let me in. Finally I got to work an hour late. It was a pretty stressful day from residual stress from the argument and knowing that I would have to stay late to make up for the time I missed this morning. I was so happy to finally leave. I headed to target after work to return some things and get a new pillow but apparently everyone had the same idea because there were pretty much no pillows left. I ended up just settling on one to try. Hopefully it will work out. After that I headed home, took care of a few things, and finally headed to bed.

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I’m not so sure I would be able to go cave diving. I can get a bit claustrophobic at times which might not end well. I did go on a cave tour once when I was a kid which was pretty interesting but the cave was quite large and I wasn’t really scared of tight spaces back then.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

This morning I got woken up at 5:00am by my cat who was chasing a big cockroach around the apartment. That was fun. I took care of the cockroach and went back to bed for a bit. The new pillow totally isn’t going to work out so I guess I’ll have to return it and look for something else. I managed to leave for work a bit earlier today but there were train delays again so I ended up being two minutes late for work. *sigh* I had a doctor’s appointment this afternoon. Looks like my neck trouble probably isn’t due to any medical issues so she referred me to a chiropractor in the office and I had an adjustment done. Man that hurt… Hopefully it will help at least. The appointment lasted an hour and forty minutes between both doctors though and I ended up getting back from my lunch break way late. Looks like I’ll have to stay late again tonight and tomorrow to make up for it. What a week. I’m getting really frustrated that I haven’t been able to get anything done. I wanted to do laundry tonight but the laundromat closes early so that’s a no go. Same thing for tomorrow too. *sigh*

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One of my coworkers tried to get me to go sky diving once. I thought about it but I don’t think I could do it. I would be too afraid. I wouldn’t mind going paragliding though!