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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-19-2017, 01:45 PM

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Today was a sort of up and down day. The morning went pretty well but the afternoon was a bit rocky. I made an appointment for the chiropractor for tomorrow because I have been having some issues with my neck and then later in the day the office called me to tell me that the doctor wouldn’t be in his Manhattan office on that day so I had to reschedule for next week.

I was pretty upset because I could have made an appointment for this afternoon instead so I called them back and fortunately he was able to get me in at the end of the day. It kind of sucked though because the oil he uses for the massage portion gets in my hair and makes it all icky and my mascara smears all over when I put my face down on the table and I was planning on going out afterwards. >.<

The session ended up going longer than I thought and I almost ended up being late for the movies. It was super hot too so by the time I got there after I was all sweaty from power walking. The movie was really good though! I was sad that I didn’t get to watch the dubbed version but the subbed version wasn’t so bad. I loved the music and the story was great. I really want to see it again! I’ll probably end up buying it when it comes out.

After that I went out for a drink with my friend and we talked about the new Zelda game. I really wasn’t expecting to like it so much but I’m totally hooked! Overall it was a really nice evening.

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My current avatar…is pretty similar in its base as the last one! I mostly used the same ninja sort of theme and changed the colors so she’s a cool underwater ninja! I’m quite happy with the way it turned out.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Today was a pretty good day. I had a field trip during work to go visit the new building that will be our new store/office. It wasn’t very pleasant having to power walk there in the heat but it was interesting to see how the construction is coming along and what the new building will look like. That took most of the afternoon so it was a pretty chill day. My boss got dizzy as we were starting to leave which was a bit freaking but fortunately there was another guy from work with us who was able to help her out. It was almost time to go home by the time I got back to work but I have a lot of things to finish so I ended up staying an hour and fifteen minutes late. @_@ At least I’ll be able to leave early tomorrow! My dad is coming to visit, I can’t wait!!!

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Ugh, there are so many annoying people in NYC. I could rant and rave for hours, lol! Usually most of my complaints are subway related, or like annoying people who are in your way when you’re trying to walk on the sidewalk.