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Old 05-26-2017, 03:22 PM

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Today my dad and I went to brunch at a place nearby which was super yummy. After that we went into Manhattan to see the musical Cats! on Broadway! It wasn’t quite what I expected it to be and it wasn’t the greatest but it was still fun. My favorite part was in the beginning when they turned all the lights off and cat eyes lit up on the stage. It was also pretty cool how the performers even came up through the crowd a few times!

After that we wandered around Times Square for a while and then went to dinner at The Olive Garden. They said it was going to be a 40 minute wait but we got seated after only 10 minutes and our food came out right away so it worked out perfectly!

After dinner we headed back home and hung out for a bit before bedtime.

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S is for…Square, like Times Square! It’s always so busy there I try to avoid it if I can. >.<

Monday, May 22, 2017

Today it rained all day which was a bit of a bummer but at least that gave us some time to get some other things done. I did my laundry and my dad and I did a few home improvement things around my apartment in the afternoon. For dinner we went to a pub nearby and had a really good time. The beer was amazing, the food was amazing, and the service was amazing! I’ll definitely have to head back there soon. After that we headed back home and I played a bit more Zelda until bedtime. ^_^

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Pudding is pretty yummy. I don’t really get those little pudding cups often but I like the kind that you make from the powder packets, especially the Oreo flavored ones!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Today my dad and I headed to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. I was really hoping to see the bluebells but I ended up missing it because they were already wilted. I should have gone last weekend but I was sick. :/

After the gardens I went home and did some packing to go back with my dad the next day and then we went to Karczma, the Polish restaurant for a drink and dinner with one of my coworkers. After that we headed home and went to bed since tomorrow will be a long day.

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I’ve been feeling a bit like a queen this week with my dad taking me out to dinner so much! That was quite a treat since I don’t often go out to eat on my own.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Today was road trip day! We left pretty early and had a bit of traffic on the way out of the city but it wasn’t too bad. We stopped at Wendy's for lunch and then I made my dad stop again to get some Krispy Kreme donuts. He wasn’t happy about it but it was totally worth it. XD

I took a nap around the time we got into Binghamton. I was pretty tired out after not sleeping well for the past few nights. ^^; We finally got home around 5:30pm and I was able to meet my dad’s new puppies! I’ll have to post a picture of them here, they’re so cute! They’re little cocker spaniels. My sister named one of them Brooks and I named the other one Bento. They’re so cute!

We had steak for dinner and it was amazing, better than Outback even! Then we watched a bit of TV. I got pretty worried late in the evening when I hadn’t heard from my cat sitter and couldn’t fall asleep until late because I was worried about her. :/

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I recently got some new jeans since my old ones are wearing out. I got a really dark pair and then another medium pair and a light pair. For some reason the light pair is really big though even though they are all the same size/style/materials, etc. I should have returned them when I could have, oh well, I guess I’ll keep them around as an emergency pair.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

This morning I got highlights done in my hair. I’ve never had them done before. It’s hard to get used to seeing my hair so light, lol! After that my mom picked me up to go home with her. There was a little bunny out in the lawn when we got home and I took some carrots out to feed it. It even came over to nuzzle my fingers when it was looking for more! So cute!

After that my sister got home from school and we headed up to Buffalo to go to her eye appointment. We went to Wendy’s for dinner afterwards and then shopping at Walmart. When we got home there was a few minutes left of one of the old Police Academy movies so we watched that and then I headed to bed.

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I’ve been drinking quite a bit of beer this week. My dad is a big beer fan so it was fun to try some different kinds.