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Old 07-03-2017, 06:43 PM


The Diner
This is a hit or miss place with cheap and sometimes free food. Cooks from all over menewsha come to share their recipies here. Sadly, it seems to be a miss day since most people are attending the festivities of the tourist season and end of summer bashes. Hope it wasn't to disapointing, at least it was a free day and you saved some money.

You weren't expecting sadly a figment of Cessy's imagination when you decided to take the candyland stop. You were kind of hoping it would be a restaurant with wall paper you could peel off and eat. Or maybe bowls that were made out of peppermint. Instead you get board games and tea parties with imaginary food. Shame. Oh well. Maybe there will be a snack on the bus.

old market stalls & carts
You were expecting food at this stop since everyone knows food carts have the most deep fried, bad for your body, delicious foods you could imagine. Only there doesn’t seem to be that many food carts out and about today. There’s a couple of baked goods carts being pushed around but the majority seems to be shopping carts with amazing quilts and jewelry, and this one with some really fancy landscape paintings. As great as it all is your stomach is grumbling a little when the tour bus returns to pick you back up.
Pick a mirror you found while shopping around : white pearl, deep plum, dark cocoa, cool breeze, or black pearl

Airship Dining Hall
The Sky Pioneer has a lavish wood-paneled dining hall. It mostly caters to traditional home cooked meals. They may not have been quite prepared for the turnout today which is quite a bit higher than their normal every day. (They may have forgotten about the tour, being swept away in the beauty of the sky and all) The food gets out a little slow, but it's well worth the wait. It's all delicious.

Oceanview cafe
Memories flood back of those glorious days when we were chasing pirates and cruising around the Isle De Cacoa hunting to get Mr. Mayor back. Wait some of those were really bad memories! Maybe you shouldn’t have picked this one, didn’t you get super sun burnt on the sun deck at the end of the cruise? At least this place serves amazing pancakes and Mimosas.

Festival Tent
The ever changing festival tent of course is decked out with all kinds of food. Today it has hot dogs and hamburgers to satisfy those summer grilled food cravings, as well as slushies and snow cones to keep off the heat. Not to mention the many different flavors of lemonades! It’s a shame one of the slushies gave you a brain freeze from drinking it too fast. Whoo. Better sit that out on the bus for a little bit.
What slushie did you brainfreeze on? Strawberry, orange, raspberry, lemonade, iced latte, watermelon, pina colada, green tea

Sock hop restaurant
A delightful restaurant where you get to drink milkshakes, kick off your shoes and dance your toes off. Aimee even pops in to show how to be a hip cat and blast tunes out of the jukebox for everyone to dig. All in all, it's a great time and you get to relax and enjoy the music and atmosphere until the tour bus returns to pick you up again for the next stop. As you pass the jukebox on your way out you notice a bunch of coins still laying there waiting for someone to play the next song. You put one in and start another song as you pocket the rest of the coins for some later use.
+75 gold

Channah's flop house
I hope you weren't expecting pancakes. This little joint is a chocoholic heaven. You can get chocolate everything here from chocolate malts, to chocolate lattes, and just regular old chocolate! There's some other stuff like strawberry shortcakes without chocolate, but you came for the chocolate right?! Channah of course never disappoints and even has a velvety lounge to eat it all in delicious decadence.
What chocolate themed hat did you end up wearing out as a souvenir? Toque, sprinkles hat, bun cap, or frosting hat?

The Grumbling goddess
As you cross the threshold into the grumbling goddess tavern you feel like you’ve stepped into a role play game of some kind. Everyone here is in costumes like they’re straight out of a fantasy game. There are bards playing music in the corner, and rumors being swapped over mead at the counter. You pick a character and dive into it feeling the joy of letting loose and showing your medieval side to those present. All too quickly the fun is final and you have to head back to the tour bus so you don’t miss the next stop.

Old market cafe bistros
You picked the best place in Menewsha to get some food. (And one of Vicktoria Valentines favorite locations in all of menewsha.) It used to be the central location for Menewsha’s farmers to sell fresh produce and the pure delicious quality of the food found here is still one of the best. Not to mention the atmosphere being truly amazing. You choose a table outside where you can sit and watch the fountain trickle in the center of the square as you just relax and enjoy your delicious meal.


The Sock Hop -Rochiel Silverfire
Old Market Cafe Bistros
Festival Tent - ava the vampire
The Grumbling Goddess - zeapear
Airship Dining Hall -star2000shadow, xogizmoox
Candyland -Wish
Oceanview Cafe -hadsvich, woohoohelloppl
Channah’s Flop House
Old Market Stalls and Carts - kent
The Diner -velvet, Elirona, onsenmark


Last edited by Inspiration; 07-20-2017 at 02:15 PM..