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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 08-27-2017, 07:18 PM

Tai led Sophie to the door and out into the darkening evening, still glowing from her compliment. He had no doubts that the date would go wonderfully for them, like the treasured moment between them. Just before he shut the door, he called back into the room with a giant grin to the two cats. "Now play nice, kitties! Mom and dad are going to have their own fun, so don't wait up for us~" With that, he let the door close and turned back to Sophie. "Now where were we...?"

After the human's left, Pedro shifted into his human form, his orange tail still swishing behind him as he motioned for Derek to do the same. "Then come on!" He hurried to the back door which he pushed open, revealing the yard behind that backed onto a park and jogging trail, the retention pond there filled with a single night's rain. "Just make sure the door closes or the humans will get unhappy and not pet us when they get back," he hummed with a step out into the yard. Turning over his shoulder, Pedro clenched his hands at his chest, smiling nervously. "You won't get unhappy if we walk there like this, right?"