Thread: Don't Hang Up
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-15-2017, 02:51 AM

Smiling, Harlan waved goodbye to Axel as the singer went into his house. After that, Harlan went to his car and drove home, relieved to know that his friend was alright despite the fight they'd gotten into the night before.

Quickly his mind switched gears as he stepped through his door and started planning for the flea market. He needed to make sure he had the number of some movers on hand, not to mention he needed to find all his books on collectibles. Then there was going over his current inventory, and doing all the stuff he normally did.

Sometimes mailing stuff all over the world was such a pain...

Thoughts of Jayde cropped up all the time, but when that happened Harlan tried to think about Axel instead, wondering if the singer would actually decide to call Fane after all.