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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 12-05-2017, 02:02 AM

Loki remained quiet as the man seemed to go on about people he knew... but Loki didn't. Loki only stared at the ground as the green haired man ranted about the ocean disappearing. Who would want to go to the ocean? They didn't have an "ocean" on Asgard... Loki let loose a sigh, but straightened himself up when the green haired man asked his name.

Loki didn't know what a marine was, but he certainly was not a pirate! "I am Loki... Of Asgard." He was a little offended that the green haired man clearly had no idea who he was. Still, it wasn't as though Loki knew who the green haired man was either. But he'd assumed that the green haired man must've been either a pirate or a... "marine". Whatever the hell a "marine" was...?

"Do I get the pleasure of knowing your name?" Loki asked. He tried, really, really hard not to sound snarky. After all, this green haired man (so far?) didn't seem to be a threat. At least, not at the moment. Loki didn't like being given the side eye, though...