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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 12-06-2017, 11:42 PM

Hmm. So she was a runner. King Edwin had to admit, it excited him that she was a gem he'd have to work extra hard to impress. He listened to her intently, desperate to learn more about her. It was apparent in her facial expressions that she wasn't happy being deep inside of the castle. In fact, she seemed very intent on leaving as soon as she possibly could. It disappointed him a little that she seemed to be so, very uncomfortable with him. He wished he could remedy that.

It appeared that they were both stark opposites. King Edwin preferred the seclusion of the castle, the dark, cold shadows that shielded him from the rest of the world... But this woman... Merida, she liked being out in nature. It was an interesting development indeed. "Yes, the sky can be beautiful at times... I'm afraid I don't see very much of it, however." Edwin could tell she was very uncomfortable.

Ah. So she had children she was caring for. That certainly put a damper on his high hopes, but it did not squash them just yet! He was curious about the children, but not enough to ask about them. The King looked at her and nodded. "I see." He said. He opened his mouth to say more, but she seemed to suddenly become more nervous. Her nervous energy made King Edwin feel nervous for her. She kept insisting that she needed to get home. He didn't want to keep her there against her will (although it was well within his power to do so), he sighed.

"I can send you home with an escort." He said to her, "If you are worried about being attacked while on your way home." The King wanted to keep an eye on Merida anyway, sending an escort would help keep her under his thumb for the time being. "It would be at no expense of mine... My guards hardly do any work, as I don't often leave the castle." Regardless of her response, he was going to send her home in a carriage so she'd be safe. It was the least he could do.