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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 12-11-2017, 09:51 PM

Catching the jar awkwardly, Loki glanced at the words on the label... Thank goodness for Allspeak, or Loki wouldn't have been able to read the label either. He saw numbers, but didn't know what they meant. Loki was too proud to show this stranger that he didn't understand Midgardian food safety. Still, Loki read the ingredients, again, not knowing what half of them were. But he decided to do the obvious and open the jar to see what exactly was in it.

It didn't look appealing... It seemed to be some sort of sustenance in the shape of long, rounded.... meat? If it could even be called that... Floating in a watery substance. Loki was not going to eat it. He'd prefer the bullet of a gun to that kind of living hell. Midgardian food always puzzled him, sometimes it looked much better than Asgardian food, and their methods of preparing food was much better... but sometimes, Midgardian food looked disgusting. It looked like something he wouldn't even feed to his dog. Honestly, it looked like enough to turn a rodent sick. Still, Loki frowned at the sight of it, closed the jar and handed it back to Zoro... "It's... edible." Loki said. He was a liesmith after all. Loki didn't know if it was fit for consumption, but regardless, Loki wasn't going to eat it.

"They may not be following us now..." Loki said, "But they'll be back soon, no doubt." Loki looked at Zoro. Wondering what the man was doing, Loki slowly approached Zoro from behind, staring passed the man's shoulder and looking at the shelves. Loki remained quiet, though. What else was there to say? They were both stuck in this little shop of some sort, with no exit and barely a view to the outside world. It was better than being stuck in the cells of Asgard, but worse than being completely free. Loki needed air....