Thread: Heat & Rust
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Kilia is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 09:04 AM

“Your probably right about that but I also know a lot about healing dragons as well.” Chance snorted at the thought, he would have rolled his eyes but he knew that he had a mark for his death on his head but lucky for him only Hayden and Erwan knew what he looked like besides those that are rebels and supports the rebels. He just hoped that they both would keep his identity a secret from the Weyr, the dragon guard. “No worries. You won’t have to risk your self that much. I will make sure of it. We can use the fire lizards to communicate to each other after all who would care about what a fire lizard does?” He asked him as he chuckles, though he was serious as that was how he and the rebels have been communicating with each other all this time under the nose of the king and guard. He sighed heavily as he held the boy close, thinking for a moment before he shifted, his face closing off as he spotted Erwan coming closer to them, wanting to change the subject to something far more safer to talk about despite the fact he was sure he already knew as his dragon didn’t seem to stray to far away from them. “I am not sure how Erwan feels But I would love to get to know you both and see where this could go between us.” He said it loud enough for the older male to hear his words, letting him know he was not trying to keep it a secret from him.