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ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-05-2018, 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by Bound Birdie View Post
I personally didn't really like photoshop the opportunity I had to use it... I found it ... overwhelming I guess, so I don't mind simplicity for sure :) But I like the idea of custom brushes, not sure I'll ever fully give up open canvas, but it's always nice to try new things to :) But blending is a big thing for me, I don't really do cell shading personally and it seems like some programs don't blend black well at all and my stuff just come out looking dirty I've also heard that ... um whats it called Sia is good and Gimp but haven't tried those either

yeah, i've heard lots of artists say the only thing photoshop is good for is editing photos and to some extent i agree. PS is terrible for fill-bucketing because it leaves this white gap between the color and the lines. it's also awful for drawing imho because i still haven't found a brush that doesn't look blurry. every other drawing program does such crisper lines with their default brush. but it's good for shading, changing the color of your lines, and adjusting your colors after you've already put them down.

it's nice to have multiple different programs you can work with for different purposes, but i feel you i'm pretty much sticking with FireAlpaca forever. xD also, i used SAI once! it was so good. but it gave me the same feeling Photoshop gave you, it just feels too complicated... there's so much you can do with it. but i also never found a good download of it and i can't afford to pay for an art program, especially since i've got a good free one.