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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-12-2018, 01:16 AM

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
Yes. By will power and lots of coffee they're working. XD

There are some other things still not right since the server move. But no one seems to have a clue on what to do for those things. And no one has access to that part of the code that are currently active people so. *shrugs*

Your set is finally in the shops! XD (poodle skirts and such)
Omg, that only took a hundred events or so hahaha >.>

Not that I ever minded. I do have a few ideas for sets if I can work up the will power to start something. Baby steps. I am here. I had myself convinced everyone was gonna yell at me and tell me to go away even though I knew it was stupid. Also then I sorta forgot all my passwords soooooo (that's the kinda year I've been having >.>)