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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-11-2018, 04:27 AM

The rest of the night was rather eventful for Daisy. She spent it talking with Claudia and she found that the longer she spent talking to Claudia the more found of the older woman she became. Claudia liked to play cards. Little be-known to Daisy, Claudia always kept her favorite deck in her pocket while working on the ship. Daisy was more than happy to play cards with Claudia. Together they laughed and shared a great time together.

Daisy thanked Claudia for such a wonderful game. "You're most welcome, my dear." Claudia said in return. Then, Claudia went back to doing her chores before the night was over. Daisy sat in her suite's living area, watching TV. There was nothing on, as she expected. Daisy thought it might be a novel idea to watch a Tom Hiddleston movie while she waiting for Claudia to be done with her chores, but she wasn't sure if it was a smart choice. As much as she loved Tom Hiddleston's movies, she thought it might be awkward to "study" him before meeting for breakfast in the morning.

"I'm all done here, Miss!" Claudia called from the kitchenette. Daisy called back,

"Alright, thank you, Claudia! Good night!" Daisy listened carefully as she heard that older woman leave the suite, locking the door behind her. Daisy was, once again, alone. It felt odd to be alone again. After spending the rest of the afternoon with someone as kind and friendly as Claudia, Daisy found that she was nervous to sleep alone in a strange place. Daisy went to her bed and laid out on the covers. She stared at the ceiling. It was tempting to call someone and tell them what had been happening... But Daisy had phone anxiety as well, and she knew better than to call anyone and increase her anxious thoughts.

Daisy turned on a light, grabbed a book from her luggage and started to read. It was always comforting to read a good book before bed. After a while, Daisy started to become sleepy, so she laid down on top of the covers, closed her eyes and fell asleep. The light stayed on and her book remained opened to the page where she had stopped.