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chellybean1985 is offline
Old 04-24-2018, 07:04 AM

As Rogan stood there listening to the younger man talk about the desire to be free to love whomever he chooses and not for political reasons it lifted his heart only to send it crashing down into his stomach. Hearing that Sebastian did indeed have feelings for someone made him both happy and sad, all he ever wanted was for the younger man to be happy but every time he imagined him being romantically involved with someone it felt like his heart was about to crack and shatter into a million pieces. Rogan's hand slightly tremored while he thought this. "You deserve to be happy your highness, just tell me the name of the one whom your heart seeks and I will speak to her on your behalf to find out if she shares your feelings or not." Rogan could not cease the worsening tremors in his hand so he simply gave the younger mans shoulder a quick squeeze dropping his hand back to his side.