Thread: Does God exist?
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Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 05-19-2018, 09:25 AM

Originally Posted by Velvet View Post
Actually Mr. Wrong:,there is a good reason why I asked. A direct quote from the bible,

And the story continues with him saying that by not being worthy of him means you are not worthy of Heaven.

My children are more important than anything.

Jesus even mentions that someone is not worthy of following him if he can't drop everything right then and there. The man simply asked to say goodbye to his family. Jesus denied him.

Another man asked if he could join him after his ailing father died. Jesus denied him.

I just can't... follow it.
I'm sure the following will provide the answers you seek.

He that loveth father or mother more than me,.... The design of these words, is not at all to lessen the due affection of children to their parents; or to detract from the respect and esteem, in which they ought to be had by them: it is the duty of children, to love, honour, and, obey them; who have been the means of bringing them into the world, and of bringing them up in it; nor do any of the doctrines of Christ break in upon the ties and obligations of nature, or in the least set aside any of the duties of natural religion: but the intent of this passage is, to show, that as Christ is infinitely above all creatures, he is to be loved above the nearest and dearest relations and friends; being God over all blessed for ever, and also the Saviour and Redeemer; which itself, makes him more amiable and lovely than a common parent. That man therefore, that prefers father and mother to Christ, and their instructions, and orders, to the truths and ordinances of Christ: who, to please them, breaks the commands of Christ, rejects his Gospel, and either denies him, or does not confess him, our Lord says,

is not worthy of me; or, as in Munster's Hebrew Gospel, he is not , "fit for me": it is not fit and proper, that such a person should name the name of Christ, or be called by his name, and should be reckoned one of his disciples; he is not fit to be a member of the church of Christ on earth, nor for the kingdom of heaven, but deserves to be rejected by him, and everlastingly banished his presence: for otherwise no man, let him behave ever so well, is worthy of relation to Christ, and interest in him; or of his grace, righteousness, presence, kingdom and glory. The same is the sense of the following clause,

and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me: whoever, to gratify a child, drops the profession of Christ, renounces his Gospel, and neglects his commands, it is not proper and convenient that he should bear the name of Christ, be accounted one of his, or be treated as such, but all the reverse.
God is a loving and merciful God and isn't going to put you in a position where you get hurt by doing right before Him. Nor is He asking that you cease loving your parents or children. When you put God first in your life, He will reward you. God created your parents and your children and loves them every bit as much as you.

The biggest problem people have with the bible, that I find, is the ease in which a verse or passage is taken out of context. There's almost always a greater context than what can initially be understood. The bible is deep and rich with meaning, and can't be read hastily lacking a desire to understand fully what is written.

A prime example of this is Jesus commanding that one judge not lest ye be judged. Some folks have used this passage to avert the eyes of others aways from their own sins. This is just awful. A perfunctory reading of scripture if there ever was one.

I hope this gives you a meaningful answer you can benefit from.

Last edited by Mr. Wrong; 05-19-2018 at 09:41 AM..